Tripp (memento vivere)

A Series Of Unfortunate Events.

Well, young lady, have you been good to your mother?

Based on reviews and what NPH has said about the role, it sounds like it's going to be a good mix of sinister menace, self-involved buffoonery, and borderline narcissistic personality disorder. Having recently reread the series, that seems pretty true to how he's characterized in the books… while he's unabashedly a

To be fair, the Harry Potter series already got the chance to be made in its entirety, so a remake would be a bit more frivolous there. I was always bitterly sore that the ASOUE film (imperfect as it was) never had any sequels, because the first three books are far from the best ones, and the entire series works far

I'd give them another shot now that you're older, I've known a few people who hated them initially but then returned to them after they'd developed a more macabre sense of humor and appreciation for absurdism, and liked them much more. I recently reread the entire series in preparation for the TV show, and while I was

I certainly hope so, although in any case Daniel Handler is one of the main writers so I fully expect there to be more VFD integration this time around in some form or another. The trailer makes it look like those elements start much earlier than book 5.

Exaaaaactly. It became a bit of an inside joke between my partner and I that we'd seen the damn commercial for Sing about 10 times and had NO IDEA what the movie was about aside from singing animals. The extended theatrical trailer does a much better job of it as it turns out, but damn, talk about advertising that

To be fair Pixar's been doing the "easter eggs foreshadowing future movies" thing for ages, but at least they're subtle about it.

For real. I'm a sucker for changed histories and alternate timelines, but they have to MAKE SENSE. It seems like the main concrete timeline difference was that the Evil Queen was defeated (and therefore no Savior was needed) but Baelfire getting sent to Earth happened way before that and shouldn't have been affected.

Maleficent's been a character since early on, and MOST of the fairytales are cool reimaginings of the original concepts.

I generally agree that it's dumb to watch a show that you genuinely don't like in order to complain about it, but for Once Upon A Time it's less of a constant dislike and more like an abusive relationship. You stay because it's legitimately GREAT at times and has some really really cool concepts, but roughly 70% of

That's a good way of putting it. The plot holes have only gotten worse in later seasons.

My guess is that it's to contrast Regina, who was a villain who genuinely IS working to redeem herself, in order to show that simply having love isn't enough to make you a good person—you have to actually make good decisions and resist the temptation of power in order to change for the better.

Or in this case the second season, assuming season 2 tackles books 5-8.

Yeah, Count Olaf is a ridiculous, theatrical individual even when he's threatening to murder children in increasingly disturbing ways—I've seen a lot of people criticizing the humorous aspects, but they're definitely in the books, especially later. Dark humor can be a delicate balance, but I'm feeling good about what

Yeah, as someone who was OBSESSED with these books as a kid, I'm feeling really really really good about how this series is looking. A darker, whacked out Pushing Daisies is pretty perfect for them, and I'm especially excited about seeing how the later books translate once they get deeper into the VFD shit. Plus Esme

Well, NPH IS 43, even though he looks young.

Have you read the books? Despite all the dark, wry humor they're pretty campy and ridiculous, especially towards the end. There's a whole scene of Count Olaf practicing his evil laugh in front of the Baudelaires.

I liked the movie for what it was, but they also changed a lot of stuff from the source material in a way that allowed the movie to be more self-contained but probably would have made future movies difficult. Plus they'd definitely have to recast the actors.

Jeez, they wanted you to leave work and go in-person to the daycare for THAT? Kinda shitty indeed.