Tripp (memento vivere)

It's a little less surprising when you consider how much Natty Light proooobably gets sold and consumed in bulk in the context of shitty college parties, beer pong, shotgunning, etc.

I've branched out since, but there was definitely a long, broke period of time where PBR was my go-to cheap beer (plus I've got plenty of hipstery friends, so it was readily available). I still like the taste of it just fine, as cheap beers go.

Yeahhhhhh, Fat Tire's good. It's my affordable, reliable fallback for when nothing else is catching my eye.

I drank a ton of it in college and enjoyed it, buuuuut after a certain point I think I just overdid it, and now I can't stand the stuff.

Not me—I'd say Michelob Ultra is probably one of the top three sellers at the bar I work at depending on the crowd (alongside Bud Light and Miller Lite).

I remember in college people finding some ridiculously cheap one called "Beer 30 Light". I don't remember exactly what it tasted like aside from that it was terrible.

For real—as much as I love plenty of craft beers, there are TONS out there that range from mediocre to just plain disgusting, and I'll be the first to say so (unless it's something my friend brewed, in which case I'm gonna be polite). I don't get the perception that a majority of craft beer drinkers are just choking

It sounds like YOU just don't like beer. Sure, I have absolutely tolerated mediocre or even bad beers because that's what was available… but a higher-quality beer or two can be really delicious and satisfying over dinner or at the end of a long day.


Cue the inevitable teen-centric spinoff: Storybrooke High.

He broke the author's pen as soon as he had it because it was "too much power", but then he had to go find the pen's "spirit" in the Underworld or whatever. I honestly don't remember what happened after that, but I guess it would make sense that he had to leave the pen behind in the underworld if it works the same as

I mean, have you seen him swish and flick?

"One hundo a day, both of us, five hundo a week… that's rich!"

I mean, I don't know much about drug use, but from what I do know I have to imagine that taking mystery drugs you found in a bathroom is proooobably a bad idea? Know where your shit's coming from and all that. Then again, it's a pretty nice wedding, not a public restroom.

I couldn't make out what she was saying towards the end of her explanation, but since it's Lindsay, I'm willing to bet there's nothing deeper to it than that she got uncomfortable wearing her panties and decided to take them off and stick them in her pocket.

And Tina's world is shaken by the revelation that Jimmy Jr's "assets" are partly due to the extra padding.


I think her overreaction about Shelby was sort of an exaggerated depiction of the many people who manage to make someone else's tragedy about themselves. A lot of the themes of this season seem to deal with things like image, identity, and how those things relate to other people.

She's really a very entertaining character! Insufferable, overly dramatic, and far too self-obsessed… but that's what makes her funny, even in the midst of fearing for her life.

Honestly I laughed really hard when Gretchen and Jimmy had that whole conversation, since I can relate to her approach to showering. This diagram basically sums up the mentality: