Tripp (memento vivere)

Yeah, I really like them both—a romcom with them would be great, and I really enjoy listening to their back-and-forth. They're both driven and intelligent and capable and educated and funny, but they're also both struggling with class and money and tough decisions in a way that's really relatable. Not to mention the

I was thinking the same thing. I'm still curious about the Batman dude and the guy looking for Alfred who the bartender said gave him the creeps… assuming they're not one and the same. I guess that'll be explored in another season!

I would personally read her comment as being a lighthearted joke about the conversation fizzling out. It happens, and that incident doesn't necessarily indicate that she'd continue "that kind of behavior" with someone she's gotten to know better.

It's still a shame he didn't stay with Beer Cooz… both he and Lindsay would have been so much happier.

My guess is that the accents are due to them feeling a need to keep things consistent with Naveen Andrews's British Jafar from OUAT in Wonderland. Not like it matters that much with them already changing out the actor…

Ughhhhhh. I'm all for people fulfilling their physical/emotional needs and pursing polygamy or open relationships or whatever, but those things should all be done honestly and without hurting another person with whom you have VOLUNTARILY AGREED to a relationship with. "Cheating" (as in going being your partner's back

I'm 100% for polyamory and open relationships and whatnot, or cuckolding if that's what you're into, but those things absolutely require all parties to be comfortable with what happening. Lindsay's not at fault for having non-monogamous needs, she's at fault for always acting in complete disregard of her HUSBAND'S

Yeah, I genuinely can't tell whether he's being depressingly sincerely submissive or sneakily passive aggressive. If it's the latter, it's a hell of an effective way of proving a point.

Based on how uncomfortable she looked (and the abobo plans), she seems to have finally reached the breaking point where she realizes how wrong the situation is. This episode was so darkly uncomfortable, but I've gotta hand it to the show for taking the idea of "Lindsay cares more about her sexual needs than she does

Oh man. I suddenly really want the show's producers to release some actual Vernon Down the House podcast episodes featuring the other YTW characters.

I just kind of wish they hadn't TOLD us that only one person survives—it leaves the audience discussing who they think the sole survivor is going to be, sure, but it also means most of the deaths are going to be a bit less surprising than if we just didn't know how it was going to end. Instead of "oh no, that

For me, the appeal of this episode came from the "behind the scenes" aspect of it, the show playing with the fourth wall, exploring the parallels and interactions between the "real people" and the actors who played them, and also seeing how the "real" haunting is going to differ from the reenactment we already saw.

I had completely forgotten about the whole "MURDE" thing by the time this episode came around, so in retrospect having the nurses featured so early in My Roanoke Nightmare was probably a good idea in that it led to a lot more of an "OH SHIT!" moment when the foreshadowing finally paid off.

Hmm, that would definitely be an interesting way to keep the parallels coming between "My Roanoke Nightmare" and "Return to Roanoke"… the first time around, the actor "Rory" plays the (somewhat) helpful ghost of Mr. Mott, so it'd only be fitting for Rory's ghost to end up coming back as a helpful ghost too.

I was reeeeeal disappointed in how bad the blue paint looked, especially compared to how killer her execution usually is. I would have loved seeing that Troll look though… very Acid Betty.

That's more or less how I feel. I love Katya to death and wanted her to win, and thought she did an awesome job all season, but I get why they decided that Alaska "deserved" it more. Meltdown aside, girl's got some killer talent and consistency.

Yeah. I wasn't a fan of the pairs thing, so I was pretty happy about the brilliance of the "Lipsync for your Legacy" concept this season. But now I'm pretty curious to see what they do differently for All Stars 3… maybe the winner each week decides the challenge/themes for the following week or something? I dunno.

That's pretty much how I feel. After seeing how she was performing I predicted that Alaska would win towards the start of the season, so I get why she won, but towards the end I was really rooting for Katya as my personal favorite. I'm not mad about it though, and I don't think Katya is either, so I can't wait to see

Oh no, he's gone native!

Honestly I'd love if after his book is FINALLY done and he's super proud of his literary masterpiece, the reviews start coming in and the general consensus is "what the hell is up with this weirdly verbose incest shit? His first book was way better."