Tripp (memento vivere)

I'm kinda hoping there ends up being a twist to that, but I'm not really sure how (beyond the nurses not knowing how to spell "merde"). Murder being their favorite word was an urban legend, so it could turn out that someone's name is Murde, maybe?

Yeah, it does bother me that they're so slow to believe each other's experiences at this point. That trope always gets tiresome fast. I feel like by this episode, even the most hardened atheist/realist living in that house would realistically be like "okay, yup, clearly some kind of weird shit is going on" instead of

There's also the fact that, presumably, the "dramatic reenactment" is being FILMED in the actual spooky haunted house. I would love for them to play with things going "off script" with the actors while they're there, or maybe even the actors and the "real" people interacting later on, but we'll see. It will admittedly

The house/farm itself having some degree of consciousness might be an interesting angle to take, especially as a way of differentiating it from Murder House, which was more about the actions of the ghosts themselves. It might also explain why there keeps being random scary shit like pig tails nailed to the wall and

My first thought was definitely that the syntax reminded me of "My Chemical Romance".

Yeeeeeesssssss. I didn't even realize while watching last night that the "crown" was actually a prosthetic growth. The entire ensemble is possibly one of my favorite looks… ever?

I think maybe it came off as especially harsh to me because it was conflating the professional with the private? Like yeah, they're totally on the show to be mute eye candy… but they're models, and that's the job they're being paid to do, and from what I've seen they're all very nice guys on and off the show. Saying

Not unless LA means "Lower Alabama" :P One of my friends is performing with her this weekend in Panama City though, so we'll see if things are any different now that the win has been announced. Again, hopefully it was just an off week for her when we saw her last time. I got to hold Purse Purse, at least!

I don't agree. I find plenty of stuff gross/unappealing on a personal level (watersports, scat, calling someone daddy, cunnilingus, whatever) but there's absolutely nothing wrong about incorporating any of it into sex if that's what appeals to you. Saying that something doesn't appeal to me PERSONALLY is not at all

Initially yes, but I think at this point Alaska has more than made an individual name for herself. If anything, it's disappointing that Sharon has done so little in comparison since she won.

Very true! I can definitely understand both sides of it. I guess there's a part of me that wishes it was a "purer" competition that's just about who is the best at the art of drag, rather than all the personal stuff being such a big factor… but ultimately it IS a reality show and branding exercise on top of that, so I

Ha, YES! I generally like Ru in the podcast, but he can definitely come across as just a bit too pleased with his own enlightenment at times (as well as surprisingly out of touch with the layperson, too).

I don't see why having personal preferences or likes/dislikes makes someone not sex or fetish positive. I'm not in any way saying that other people are shameful or less than for using that terminology, nor that it's OBJECTIVELY gross, it just doesn't do it for me.

The Pit Crew comment was funny and a hell of a read, but I was still pretty taken aback by it. I mean, she may very well know more inside information about the Pit Crew's sexual activities so maybe it's warranted (though if so, it's shady to blast someone's actual sexual history during a TV finale), but without

Eh, to be fair, I'm gay and totally sex-and-fetish-positive and the name grosses ME out… something about the whole "filthy pig bottom" terminology has always been mildly cringe-inducing for whatever reason (though obviously if it resonates with you, more power to you). The fact that it's an animal and has shades of

Well yeah, I'm not contesting that she put on a hell of a show while ON the show (and of course, that's what she was judged for). I was referring more to her willingness to put on a hell of a show OUTSIDE of the competition, since you mentioned wanting to pay money to see her do so.

Sure, but it should be fairly obvious that the subset of the country that knows Kim Chi is gay and a drag queen are going to be much more accepting of it than her mother would be. A tattoo (hopefully) doesn't have the capability of irreparably and fundamentally changing your relationship with your mother for the rest

I think Bob is very talented at what he does, but having seen him perform live a couple of weeks ago, I was admittedly disappointed, and I do wonder if the impending win had anything to do with it. He charged more than any other Drag Race queen, spent half of the time just walking around collecting dollars while

Yeahhhhh. I understand why Ru wants/expects that, but I agree that it's uncomfortable how often this show blatantly exploits someone's intimate personal relationships for more compelling reality TV narratives. Someone boldly asserting Who They Are to their family is brave and admirable and a desirable trait in

Not in this show. If any kid is going to be comfortable with weird smells and bodily functions, it's the Belcher kids. They do things like compare fart smells and seek out dead seals on the beach for fun. Hell, remember the time that Tina thought a cow was pooping messages to her?