Tripp (memento vivere)

I didn't think the Tammy thing was too much of a stretch. Remember the episode with Tina's ghost boyfriend, where Tammy faked a message from the ghost saying that he was dating her now, just because she was jealous of the attention Tina was getting? Tammy is perfectly willing to go along with things she knows are

Why do gay movies have to be serious dramas, though? I'm sick of so many gay movies being woe-is-me examinations of identity and prejudice. Gimme gay superhero/sci-fi/fantasy movies, gay period dramas, gay romcoms, gay Pixar animations, gay gritty action films. There is rarely any solid, story-based reason why any

I groaned pretty hard when I realized Hook was alive again, because it REALLY weakens the whole thing and destroys what could have been a much more powerful arc for Emma… her tearful goodbye at the gravesite was really emotional and impactful after half a season of her refusing to let go. If he stayed dead, this

I ended up liking the Frozen arc more than I thought I would (and the ending touched me more than I thought) but I definitely wish they would have dialed down the Disney fanservice by a lot… I was drawn to OUAT because of original, creative interpretations of fairytales and disney movies full of subtle cameos, and I

It's definitely turned into the show that my boyfriend and I hatewatch. The thing is, it's never really fully "bad" or I just wouldn't watch anymore—it maintains enough powerful moments and cool concepts that I keep coming back for more, but MAN do I wish some aspects of the writing would improve. It's soooooo

Yuuuup. I cringed a bit in season 7 when she told Katya that she just needed to stop being addicted to her anxiety. That's not how mental health works, Ru!

Cool, I'm close to lots of drag queens too. Drag CAN definitely be about building a persona to perform (or live!) through rather than "being yourself" as you would be out of drag, though of course it depends on the individual and plenty of people just view it as an extension of who they already are. My point's just

I can kind of see that, but personally, I still wish the show had ended after the time travel stuff at the end of the first Zelena arc, right before the Frozen arc. I think the last episode is even called "There's No Place Like Home", and watching THAT episode felt like a strong series finale to me. I just rewatched

Oh, totally. At this point though, I've come to expect ridiculous and terrible from this show :P And actually, coming up with fake OUAT plotlines is one of my favorite games these days. Throw in some bad punny dialogue incorporating the Disney movie's title and make one of the new characters secretly related to the

Ehhhhhhh. Yes, but at the same time, I feel like people already comfortably immersed in gay culture can underestimate how difficult it can be for individuals to reconcile their gay life with their family life in many cases. It's pretty normal for people (especially LGBT people) to compartmentalize their lives and keep

Haha, same! Naomi's transluscent blue plastic hoodie thing had me thinking that too.

Yeah, Ross's comment shifted my view a bit too… I think having truly "unique" winners is a big part of what drive's Ru's crowning decisions (on top of the CNT of course). As much as I love ALL of the top 4 on their own merits, it feels like the others have things that we've basically seen before in past winners.

I was super sad to see ChiChi go… I understand why they decided the way they did, but "charming" is definitely a good description of her… I may have a crush! I really hope she does a tour through where I am, because otherwise I might have to take a road trip to Shreveport to see her live.

I wouldn't mind seeing any of the queen's shows, frankly.

Yeah!!! I don't care what people say, I would totally watch RuPaul's Best Friend Race. Some playful shade is fun, but I'd much rather watch friends/goodnatured rivals competing to see who is the most talented, rather than a group of people trying to bitterly claw each other's eyes out on the way to the top.

She's looked like a tropical bird twice already now, so I certainly hope so. I honestly wasn't loving the look from this episode as much as that macaw shoulder thing she had in an earlier episode… this one was too bulky.

Yeh, as someone who was rooting for her a lot early on, I was a bit disappointed by how bitter and combatative Thorgy got at the end. I mean, it felt fairly good-spirited so I didn't hold it against her too much, but it certainly made me view her as less congenial than I would have a few episodes earlier.

…Huh. I just made the connection that on the week of the episode where Bianca makes a special appearance, Logo started airing ads for the Rolodex of Hate special next week. Smart.

I don't especially think Ru thinks that a music video challenge is the most exciting thing out there. I think she's more interested in using free talent from her show to cross-promote her iTunes sales (and vice versa).

Right? I love this show so much, but one of my LEAST favorite things is how often it exploits the contestants' personal trauma for better ratings. Yeah, drag often comes from a very personal place and hearing those stories can be inspiring to viewers struggling with those things… but it's just not fair that they are