Tripp (memento vivere)

Yeah, that's fair. This show does lean pretty hard into the whole "love literally ALWAYS finds a way" thing, so I suppose it's understandable for the characters to really start to expect that after a while. And to be fair, she's probably ultimately going to be right.

I mean, drug jokes aside, that may just makes you a practical person who is good at creative problem-solving… In the OUAT universe, you'd be the person to find an obscure magical fix to an impossible problem. That or you'd get killed off immediately due to eating the wrong magical mushroom :P

Yeah, basically. Granted, Henry did set up his "Unfinished Business, 5 cents" booth for a bit at the end, and who knows how many people they got through off-screen… but it sure would've been great if he had thought of that a few days earlier.

Yeah—as much as I'm disappointed in how Henry's nigh-omnipotent author powers basically went nowhere interesting, at least they've found SOME ways for Henry to be somewhat useful with them, albeit in a pretty milquetoast (but helpful!) way. Henry snapping the pen in half was such a frustrating end to that arc… at

That's all I could think once "ratchet" became one of her favorite adjectives to use…

Maybe just a Video Games theme? That would be nice and broad.

I was SO HAPPY to hear Sylvester! Definitely a great choice for LSFYL, among many others from this season.

I dunno, as someone who has been involved in several poly situations in the past, the "two dicks" joke was hilarious to me and came across as more playful than hurtful. Clearly Derrick didn't feel that way though :P

Yeah, Derrick always comes across as someone who is DESPERATELY trying to be funny-shady, but it basically never lands and it's more awkward and forced than anything. Reminds me of that kid in class who tries to be the vocal class clown but is really just annoying.

I'm fortunate enough to have some extremely easy inspiration… a couple of years back my mom was the "emblem" (basically like the queen) for her butterfly-themed mardi gras society and had a beautiful silvery gown and crown and mask while wearing these enormous butterfly wings that are standard for every emblem. So,

Yeah, when Kim Chi was the first to come out in those heels I loved it, and my immediate comment was that it was a brilliant way for her to hide the fact that she sucks at walking the runway—but then all of the other queens came out in the same shoes, so I had to retract that since it was just a standard part of their

Ross is definitely one of my favorite recurring judges. He manages to be charming, nice, and funny (and sometimes straight up hilarious) while also giving pretty constructive critiques.

I loved Kim Chi's massive eye roll when Derrick was talking about how she'd be thrilled if her corset thing were to be put in a RuPaul museum. Delusional is right.

Nice catch! I think that's probably supposed to be the case, especially with the iconic shot of the grill parking uncomfortably close to the camera.

Magic wands have been around on OUAT since season one, though, and Disney has plenty of classic characters with wands. The wands of the Blue Fairy and the Fairy Godmother come to mind.

They really seem to be going off of Christian rules (minus the actual deities involved) when it comes to how the "final judgment" works. It's not an actual scale that weighs the good vs evil you've done in your life… in fact, it doesn't seem to matter whatsoever how many evil things you've done as long as you

She is, but I've admittedly gotten kind of tired of how often they use the plot point of "Regina reluctantly decides to trust Zelena out of the goodness of her heart, and at the last minute Zelena betrays them all and fucks them over." After a while it just got old and felt two-dimensional, so while I don't really

That being the case, I thought it was kind of odd that Emma and Robin let themselves be cornered at gunpoint by the waterfront. Like, if you're ALREADY effectively trapped in the underworld, and someone is giving you the choice between actual death and inescapable eternal soul torment, good lord, just let them shoot

I kind of like the dean being an inversion of the trope of the wise wizard mentor who somehow always seems to know what to do a la Gandalf, Dumbledore, Merlin, etc. He's not an especially admirable character for that reason, but it fits the kind of bleak and cynical look at adulthood that the show tends to

Well, yeah. It's an ontological paradox… pretty standard time travel story stuff.