Tripp (memento vivere)

Yeah, I'm not sure why THAT was the one detail that stuck (ew) with me as making No Sense in this episode, but it did—and I'm normally perfectly happy to suspend my disbelief for the sake of a good sci-fi story. With this episode, all I could think for half of the episode was "wait, did I miss the explanation for how

I think the logic Emma used earlier is that with his pitch-black heart now freshly purged of darkness, Rumple is essentially a "blank slate" to have heroism imprinted upon… I guess Belle's heart is too much a mishmash of light and darkness to be "pure of heart" enough to pull a sword from a stone. Or something like

Eh, it's a silly, irreverent show that pokes fun at and satirizes pretty much every group under the sun. Even when gay people are the subject of parody for the day, the point is never "gay people are less valid human beings" but rather the more nuanced issues surrounding it, like using your identity for attention or

That's my favorite song of hers!

I don't think it's too much of a stretch. There's a lot of evidence that fear of being perceived as gay keeps a lot of straight dudes from being as emotionally or physically close with their male friends as they might otherwise be inclined to, which wasn't really the case before "homosexuality" was coined as a concept

Sometimes. But definitely not all, since all that defines yaoi is that it's about romance and/or sex between dudes. There's also sometimes rape in western or eastern hetero romance/sex stories in TV, movies, literature, comics, etc. I'm not sure what your point is. I don't think most girls who fetishize gay couples

This gay guy personally doesn't have a preference when it comes to hanging out with straight guys, gay guys, straight girls, gay girls, whatever. You don't have to be the same demographic as someone to be able to enjoy their friendship or relate to them. Eye candy can be nice, but it's not going to be anywhere close

If not for her name still being on the dagger in Storybrooke, at this point I'd almost suspect that the whole Dark One schtick was just an act for the sake of whatever her mysterious "for the best" plans are. She certainly seems to be trying to play the PART of a sinister villain, without necessarily backing it up

At least with Elsa, I could give them the benefit of the doubt… while visually boring, it does make some logical sense that Elsa, who creates that outfit with ice magic in the whole Let It Go sequence in the movie, would want to keep wearing her magically-made outfit that's a symbol of her own independence and

Not to mention it makes perfect sense as a resolution to the situation of "Sadie doesn't want to perform any more but the mystery guest performer is supposed to go on any minute"… Steven already knew all the choreography, and they're close enough in stature for him to fit into her outfit.

You're not even going to ASK them for their pronouns before referring to them with gendered, heavily classist honorifics? What, do you just ASSUME that everyone named Malcolm is male, you binary-enforcing shitlord?

We really need to invest in some Cinco Sleepwatching Chairs.

Yeah, the lack of a truly satisfying resolution (and Randy getting branded near the end) makes me wonder if the PC Police plotline will be a recurring thing this season. I'd kind of like it if so; this episode handled the issue in a kind of hamfisted way, with Kyle providing the only real nuance. It'd be nice to have

All demographics of humanity that take themselves way too seriously at some point or another. You should see how pissy a lot of cisgendered folks get when trans people making jokes about them, hoo boy!

Rick's always been kinda aware of the 4th wall, from mentioning his catchphrases to outright addressing the TV viewer directly. I presume it has something to do with both his intelligence and his dimension-hopping adventures that he's grown to be at least somewhat conscious of his existence as a zany TV character.

Plus there are a lot of theories that Rick is in fact Morty from the future. I'm not sure how much I want that to be true—their mannerisms are similar enough to where I could see it, and it'd be kind of a cool thing I could see the show doing (and man, think of the psychoanalysis with how Rick treats Morty), but I

Yeah, they made a joke about how Bob's Burgers can't carry itself in the Simpsons crossover episode. They didn't say that it sucks or anything, and I guess the shade about ratings is technically accurate, but still… it pissed me off.

Nah, on the ship Ruby says "I CAN'T see" which seems to indicate that she wasn't used to navigating WITHOUT her future vision. At the time I figured the future vision was a fusion thing, but now we know that it's a Sapphire thing.

It's relatively similar, but every single one of the balls is a Bludger, and you're only allowed to use your feet instead of your hands.

Yeah. I've actually known a couple of people who would sometimes slip into similar faux-classic/british accents/affectations in their regular speech, despite living in someplace like Alabama most of their lives. My reaction usually ranges from "silly and eccentric but endearing" to "pretentious, tiresome and fake"