Tripp (memento vivere)

I got pretty soured by Ginger's attitude towards the end of the season and the way that practically everything she did felt calculated and two-faced after a while… but during the finale's recap of Ginger's looks, I did have to admit that she's very talented and probably did deserve to be in the top 3. It's just kind

Trixie was the only one whose two eliminations surprised me, only because I didn't think she was especially bad in those episodes… but she definitely didn't shine as much as a returning queen should, and was never going to last until the top 3, so she was going home sooner or later.

Right? Trixie didn't stand out in competitions as much as I'd hoped, BUT that can't take away one of the main things that made me like her in the first place: out of all of the queens this season, she seems like the one I would actually really enjoy hanging out with as a person.

I think Ginger is arguably a bit more talented when it comes to succeeding in challenges… but as human beings go, Latrice Royale is a national treasure.

I'm conflicted, because I've grown to like Fame as an individual… there's something about her clueless-but-earnest nature that makes me feel for her, and anyone who can ramble excitedly about something odd like chickens is cool in my book.

I started out disliking Violet and Pearl (since I rarely go for mean-spirited or self-absorbed divas) but I'm really surprised to find that they're both growing on me a lot. They both seem to be growing a lot as performers, getting a dose of humility and reality, but also turning out some REALLY good looks. I'm really

I'm just kind of sad that they didn't bring back someone BEFORE Snatch Game. I could see Trixie doing really well with it.

Yeah, but I think that's because her Beyoncé didn't come off as an INTENTIONAL subversion of how Beyoncé really is… it just came off as a bad Beyoncé impression, with a bunch of song titles thrown in as dialogue to compensate for it.

Yeahhhh. I mean, it's great if it actually worked for Katya and helped her gets some self-insight… but that's not really how anxiety works as an actual mental disorder. It's like telling someone with clinical depression that they're just not trying hard enough to look on the bright side of life.