
"But Smithers’ peace of mind was rather expertly tied to the sad
realization that not only will he never truly have Monty Burns’ love,
but also that Monty Burns’ love probably isn’t worth having."

I'm going to yell at clouds for a moment, but I really think this was a good opportunity for them to push a more emotional message with Burns like seen in the earlier seasons, however it was squandered.

"Every year, someone thinks it’s funny to have Burns make an
unintentional double entendre, so let’s hope “Within days, half of
America was cranking to my bottom” is it for season 28."

They are. I read that they currently have 10 writers on staff.

Burns' age is like the coaching position on the Cleveland Browns - it is ever changing from season to season.

Are you saying Burs or Boo-urs?

Sometimes they do have people who write for the comics pen episodes. Tom Gammil who co-wrote this episode also wrote an issue about Mr. Burns dolls in the Simpsons Comics.

I get the same feeling that the episodes have been trying to shove Simpsons family members into situations where they are not needed or where the resolution would be more impacted if they were solved by the others being spotlighted. For instance, Smithers coming to the conclusion of holding his Marge-esque instincts

Is that what it was referencing? I know the writers have made multiple nods and comparisons between Howard Hughes and Mr. Burns so it wouldn't be out of place, but I presumed it was more of a way for the show to grasp by with cringe humor ala the mid seasons. Because of this now I cannot think of Daphne Burns as

While the progression of Burns and Smithers' relationship has been something the series needed, the writing has been pretty mediocre which as a longtime Simpsons fan really makes me feel bummed out. I wanted to like this episode and I saw it had glaring issues, however the message felt muddled within the premise and

The question you should be asking yourself is "are you sure Burns really is 100% straight?" This is even in context to the symbolism in the show.

Healthy relationship how so? Julio is a notorious flirt and a cheater. If anything he prevented a torrential future filled of of regret and shame by breaking up with him before it dived into deeper waters (though he still remained unsure from the start because of his hedging body language.) With Burns at least he has

Actually as I saw it much like other "Burns gets a girlfriend" episodes in the past, this time Burns got what he wanted and it worked out only for him to realize that something was missing from the relationship. This is the reason why he didn't stay with Maxine it appears.

Everybody vouches for Burns to be with Smithers. That's the whole deal and it would be disappointing if anything else happened to muss that chemistry over a one-shot.