
I'm happy they made it the brothel high-end. It shows how well the people in power have preserved the aspects of the old world that serve THEIR needs, which is juxataposed painfully with a Gilead they've gutted of everything that would make it joyful for those they consider beneath themselves.

He stole her life and then let her borrow a twisted, fun-house mirror version of it for a night. The commander is a monster.

Have to cosign this SO hard. I watch some comedy specials that the AVClub set LOVE and I'm just like: SNOOZE. But this special knocked it out of the fucking park. I found it so hilarious and honest and relatable. So for those who didn't think it was funny: yeah, consider that this special is not for you. Just like

I'm an idiot, I really don't understand: "You shouldn't wear anything for me." Can someone please explain? I thought that was him shutting down the playfulness by reminding her of their dire circumstances. Was that him flirting, like you wearing nothing would be better? So confused.