
Considering he didn't get that the main target of Colbert's WHCD roast was not Bush, but the press, yeah, he does not really get politics.

Also her larynx has been mopped up by various Frey servants.

Yeah, if we just skip Brienne's entire Feast plot to have her being hanged by Stoneheart that would be a travesty. As her plot is basically the point of the whole book.

The thing I most agree here is that the B plot where characters I care about are gravely injured is much more interesting than the A plot where Logan once again is wrongfully accused of murder and the villain is obvious if you paid any attention to the series. Luke's not a killer, they'd never do something totally

Because Lara Logan has some aggressive views towards the Middle East (even pre-dating her sexual assault in Egypt, but more so since then, somewhat understandably) and wanted the story the guy was telling to be true. The scandal here is 60 Minutes presenting her as objective when she's not.