I dont think any of the Batman movies have come particularly close to capturing what's great about Batman, but if you threw the best parts of Returns, Forever, and Dark Knight into a blender, you could get pretty close
I dont think any of the Batman movies have come particularly close to capturing what's great about Batman, but if you threw the best parts of Returns, Forever, and Dark Knight into a blender, you could get pretty close
One of the weirdest thing about Batman Forever is that Jones and Jim Carrey are both straight-up playing the Joker, even moreso than Nicholson did
The on the run plotline sounds like a great excuse to put everyone in civilian clothes and play down any superpowers or comic booky elements!
I love Constantine. If they'd changed his character's name to circumvent comic book fans bitching about how Keanu wasn't Sting, I think it'd be remembered far better. It has a lot of the same strengths as the Wick movies.
Ugh are we attributing the idea of podcasting to Ricky Gervais now? His ego does not need that.
I like a lot of it, and the prologue is one of the best scenes in any of the movies.
They for sure did this to Carrie Fisher and I think probably Ford in Force Awakens, and I'm really curious if that kind if thing is brought to their attention at all.
Meanwhile a heap of Fables comics slump outside the gates of Disneyland, meekly shaking a handful of coins around a battered coffee cup
Well I'd argue that Leia in 4 doesn't really feel like a teenager either.
Aren't receding hairlines due to excess testosterone? Seems plausible.
Yes! I said that exact same thing. There was so much blue light and sterile board room I thought it was a crossover for a second.