
It gained that reputation from how it was basically the first industrial mass murder machine. Its efficiency meant you could just line up your victims and go. Thousands of people getting killed in very public spectacles during the Reign of Terror caused it to be considered the inhumane way of killing it is known as

That and the fact that the announcers totally sold it as an actual dinosaur trying this, instead of a man in a suit, pleased me greatly.

2016 has been rough for me on a personal level. Several health scares in my family, my dad had surgery on both of his eyes, work's been a mess, my dog died recently. Just shit upon shit in my personal life, let alone all the shit happening in the world.

They were too busy explaining what an AR-15 was when that's the gun of choice for mass shootings in the past five years, and doing their level best to not admit it was a gay bar where it happened.

Watchmen #1. Obvious answer, but that's just an iconic cover, and looked so different than everything else on the stands, it just made the book leap into your hands.

The most advanced weapons of the era were muskets that beyond 30 or so feet you were praying you hit something and a good professional soldier could fire three times a minute

Or bought in states with lax purchasing laws-I live in Virginia, which is legendary for being a state that illegal firearms sellers come to in order to buy guns in huge quantities to sell in states with more stringent laws-and sold elsewhere illegally.

I think I read on Abnett's blog a while back that he and Lanning plotted the books they co-wrote and Abnett scripted them, but how much of the plot was Lanning, now, that I can't say.

Dan throws it in the Comedian's grave at Blake's funeral, doesn't he?

"On second thought, let's not go to the Riverlands. It is a silly place."

Today's episode of No Shit, Internet!

Draenor they seemed to go "YOU KNOW ALL THESE ORCS RIGHT? YOU PLAYED THE RTS GAMES! GO FIGHT THEM!" and leave storytelling at the door. There's a decent through line of story as you level, but the characters are ciphers and other than a few you don't give a shit about them.

I had three occasions in my life when I was blackout drunk. One of them I can't account for something like four hours of my life. My friends recounted conversations I had and things I did that I simply don't remember. Blacking out is fucking terrifying.

The storytelling with the goddamned kung fu pandas is some of the best Blizzard's done, for the simple reason that for most of the expansion, we were the bad guys. Mists of Pandaria is a surprisingly bleak story but people get hung up on the panda people.

Oh, lord, you don't stop fucking up because you think you know more than your elders until you pass 30. Late 20s? Shit you think you know > shit you really need to know.

Those damn MRAs that boycotted it! They kept it from grossing a billion in the US!

This will end well.

What the fuck is it with everyone anywhere near media defaulting to "overstuffed"?

You kidding? They're not shutting up until the convention, minimum.

Dyson spheres crack me up almost as much as the notion of the singularity does.