
The Doctor isn't a scientist.

For someone who loves Doctor Who, you don't particularly seem to understand it.

Moffat claims that was a coincidence, actually.

Man, every Who fanatic I know always gets Richard Hurndall, provided they watched the original series. That's like Who Nerd 101.

Old gods are assholes.

I don't the heart to tell the reviewer that the Donald character he's talking about is based on a character created in 1980. Someone else do it for me.

It pleases me to no good end that George Miller was one of the people associated with Babe AND the director of Fury Road. That's just delightful.

Yeah, none of this happens if Beatty goes "Uh, something isn't right here" and whispers to Dunaway "We've got the wrong card here." But I guess on live television, with something that's never happened before, it's easy to fuck up.

Oddly, I've never mistaken the two, and yet when I mentioned Bill Paxton had died, my mom immediately assumed I meant Bill Pullman. Apparently I'm an outlier.

You knew he was a man perfectly comfortable with himself when he played a part that made him say "I've got a little dick…it's pathetic" in True Lies. I honestly can't think of a movie he was in that I didn't enjoy. He was just consistently good in everything, and frankly was the best thing in the first season of

The movie itself is structured that you remember the original Terminator, and are supposed to think the T-800 is the bad guy-in the first he beats the shit out of punks for their clothes, in the second, bikers, while the T-1000 isn't seen to kill anyone until after the first confrontation at the mall. It's built

I don't particularly know if I'd call The Fugitive an action movie-it's more a thriller with some nice set pieces in it-but good god, that sequence where Kimble goes into the jail to see if the prisoner is the one armed man was amazing. Perfectly done ratcheting up of tension.

As much as I loved Hard Target-it was my introduction to Woo, and the last twenty minutes were mind boggling to someone who had zero knowledge of Hong Kong action movies-the fact that instead of throwing the fucking grenade away he tries to defuse it is just fucking stupid. I guess it was sold as a too clever for his

Yeah, for a lot of people it's like "the world is shitty AND I can't get away from it because my favorite entertainers are dying too."

Part of me knows that 2016 is nothing more than a year where a lot of people who became famous as we were growing up, in a generation where the very nature and permanence of fame was altered by changes in electronic media, were statistically likely to die by mere virtue of age. Part of me also knows that as the people

*arrives in article with his personal favorite of 2016 being Anciients' Voice of the Void*

I have one lasting memory of George Michael and his music that doesn't really have much to do WITH his music, but here it is.

As I wasn't trying desperately to be funny as this article did, buying it for humor value wouldn't get much.

I'd like to buy this article for as funny as it is and sell it for as funny as the author thinks it is.

That made my day and probably the next three.