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    Kidman and Witherspoon should option another book and do another show together with their fave actresses

    100%. but it had to be a show with a lot of roles for old white men because in the GAF universe, gay = rich white men 40s+

    I found the whole protest thing so unwatchably tone deaf. I don't need to see a bunch of rich white men protesting for gay rights without at least acknowledging that they have immense privilege. Would they care this much about trans rights? Queer teen homelessness? HIV? I know it's a silly sub plot but it just felt…

    I was crying with laughter at the Photoshopped photos of Frankie and Grace.

    raised you right???

    their performances are like "were playing gay but lol we like pussy in real life dont worry"

    Robert and Sol are turning me homophobic (and im gay). no chemistry. their scenes are just painful to watch. they are both really annoying together and separately.

    Disappearance of Alice Creed!!

    Not denying that women and people in general can be too tired to talk. But in my experience in gay man dating usually phrases like that mean more than "I'm exhausted" I personally would rather someone take the hint (even if it's a wrong one) then be hounded with messages like "still too tired??"

    I'm afraid that phrases like "too tired to talk" usually come with an unspoken "with you." It was a really hard lesson for me to learn, but my mind would rationalize and make up whole scenarios and situations. But if someone wants to talk to you, they will at least muster a response that furthers a conversation.

    About slaves nonetheless

    um why wasn't this whole review about Jack's Viola Davis impression…?

    Denzel Washington also looked like he could murder someone

    He pushed that music on her FYI

    Vivah is fine. Saw it once. Good music and chemistry from what I remember

    Veer Zaara is one of my favorite films

    The difference is sction is for men who think they are the cultural gatekeepers and gets a pass romance is for women so should be dismissed and ridiculed

    Even worse Snyder and co think fun = childish = bad. The mcu is family friendly because it cares about its whole audience not just the toxic vocal minority

    Perhaps they have a white guy they want to hire but are trying to figure out how to spin it to make it sound good

    amazing ep so real it's hard to watch. crying and laughing