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    I don't really mind straight women at gay bars but sometimes I wish they'd stop trying to get attention at drag shows or trying to play matchmaker

    it's always funny when men can't get it up on sitcoms and then no sex happens and its a big discussion pandering to his ego

    (The Visit is the comeback movie)

    Hahaha yeah this show is whiiiiite

    I don't know man. The framing, the.blocking and Williams' delivery and the reference to nice things + the letter makes me think Arya will turn against Sansa and support Jon (even though Jon doesn't see Sansa as an opponent)

    scene with Arya and Sansa is weird. it seemed like Arya still thinks Sansa wants to just have pretty things, not have power and rule (she's a better "ruler" than Jon with the day to day stuff). like Brandon writes, a lot of is just implication I want to see Sansa power-hungry

    funny how superhero fatigue sets in…just when the first Black woman gets to direct one…but we were all cool with a talking raccoon

    I always suspected that the party girl
    Thing was something the label made her do

    usually the "only plays one character" thing is lobbed at women who do comedies. but nobody seems to notice that Jeff Bridges doesn't have much range anymore.

    for a while, the sequel to Bad Moms was going to be Bad Dads…just so that men can get a chance to neglect their children!!

    Living Single came out before Friends…

    I'm supposed to hate Tasha??

    did it?

    read the article. woman-led shows are being pitched but not chosen for development for some reason (institutionalized sexism/subconscious bias)

    i remember seeing a featurette on this show during an AMC First Look and I thought to myself that wasn't a show I'd want to watch less than I'm Dying Up Here

    yeah don't really care about the movie either. I rarely watch them before or after listening.

    do some research

    the friendzone plot is so gross. "she fucked everyone but me!!!" is a repeated line.

    any movie that gives the amazingly brilliant Salma Hayek a lead role is aces in my book. She was quite luminous in How to Be a Latin Lover

    wouldn't Baldwin get guest actor, not supporting?