
However you choose to read it - whether you view it as a call to tolerance or a call to ignore and dismiss (and both viewpoints are still debated), the fact remains that it does not pertain to how Muslims interpret and practice Islam. You can damn scholars all you like - and I'm no scholar, nor have I ever studied

By all means, interpret Islam, or indeed any religion, as you see fit. I'm an atheist, so how religion is interpreted is not of any particular consequence to me. I'm simply pointing out that that particular passage is used incorrectly in the episode. I'm not suggesting that religion cannot be interpreted in a variety

As an atheist whose family is comprised mainly of practicing Muslims, this episode really resonated with me. However, the aforementioned Quran passage, "to you be your religion, and to me my religion" is misinterpreted/misrepresented by Aziz. It does not advocate for individual interpretation of Islam - it advocates

It's become glaringly apparent that the showrunners/writers have absolutely no idea what to do with Lip and Ian. In fact, I don't think that the writers have any idea what to do with any of the supporting characters. The show was originally intended to be Frank-centric, and quickly became Fiona-centric. From the

I don't think its so much insecurity as it is a "survival strategy" of sorts. Mike is a black man surrounded by a sea of MId-Western whiteness. His personality, the seemingly abstract references - he recognises that he's at a disadvantage (due to the color of his skin) and so constantly seeks to throw people off, keep