
The Brexit and Trump mentions are interesting because there's no time gap between s2 and s3, so technically those things wouldn't have happened yet…I find floating timelines so distracting.

I would be similarly outraged.

I totally agree. Like I LOVE this show but I despise Being Frank, which a lot of people think is one of the best episodes.

Cereal defense!

And after the reveal that they've been secretly smoking together? They're totally banging.

There is nothing I love more than when It's Always Sunny is heartwarming. It shouldn't work and it ALWAYS does. The stuff with gay Mac was fantastic and in-character and really couldn't have been incorporated better. Everything with Jerry was flawless.

Yes. Any time they're nice to each other—like Shoeboxhero said, in King of the Rats, or Dennis holding Dee's hand and saying, "Help my sister," when she's having the baby, or when he holds onto her when Frank digs up their mom…they do an amazing job. Obviously I love them being horrible people or I wouldn't watch the

Ohhh okay that makes sense.

I know we had "Did you fuck my mom?" in the Christmas special.