
"The most bizarre, arguments, though, actually come around…"

That's why you need at least a few good men, perhaps several.

Nah, I say priority goes to everyone who is or will be working ON Donny. Preferably with brass knuckles or a tire iron.

I mentioned in another thread that this guy needs a lifetime of meds and mandatory therapy, and even then it probably wouldn't fix whatever's broken in him, and that was before I'd heard the bit about "normalizing racism." I mean, how much more blunt does he need to be? There's no "debating" with this level of

Okay, that's a bit more reassuring; your initial comment read more to me like one of those "paint every Trump voter with a racism brush" sentiments that I've grown tired of. And yeah, I think we've well reached the point where a voter with buyer's remorse vs. a voter with no regrets don't remotely deserve any sort of

Which is what?



I've always assumed that white "nationalists" are really just the subgroup of white supremacists who are smart enough to couch their belief system in slightly* less vile terms ("we don't think we're better than y'all; we just wanna be left alone!"), and "White nationalist began to appear some decades later" makes it

I don't think there was a single moment where he wasn't either nearly trembling with rage, and/or dripping contempt out of that sneering half-curled shit-hose of a mouth. Dude clearly needs meds and a lifetime of court-ordered therapy (not that I'm convinced anything could unravel such a deep-seated, all-encompassing

Well, some of us can

Technically not beer, but Tequila Mockingbird, obv

In other news, Thorazine is now available exclusively from Tidal.

I got a rock.

I live in a suburb of Seattle, and I was reading about several of the higher-profile supremacists in the PNW, and lo and behold one of them lives in my town, and it was a classic case of "it's one thing to know these shits exist on an intellectual level, but something else when you learn of one who's literally down

Yeah, that's pretty much what I was thinking of … "reverse racism! Wahhhhh"

something something OF COCK


Still not as important as not getting them wet.

And most of the rest of them are fucking dead-eyed enablers.