
"No, no one ever calls someone a racist because we disagree with them"

Oh god, don't get me started on what passes for "debate" anymore.

Is our people fucking off?

Oh yeah?

there is no 'murica, only trump

Pretty sure you don't need to surround a word with quotes when it's preceded by the word "alleged." That just makes it look like you're passive-aggressively doubting the claim (or is it just me?)

God bless you.

No, you're right; I originally had an additional comment about how it would just be *less* shit than there'd be otherwise, and decided to skip it for concision. Of course the worst ones out there are gonna use any excuse they can, but at least there's one less piece of ammo for them to jump at?

But he's talkin' 'bout Joe

"isn't even in the top ranking…" See, that's the other thing that drives me up the wall when dudes get all skeptical or dismissive of the idea of rape culture and what-not … I mean, I'd like to think I'm pretty well-versed on a lot of the statistics & realities & anecdotes of being a woman day-to-day, but then I still

Wait, a coffee shop?! Like, I'm by no means trying to condone or encourage his fuckery, but what kind of idiot tries to get away with licking a stranger's back in a COFFEE SHOP.

Doesn't care about the money, *and* is likely smart enough to anticipate the shit she'd get from the darker corners of the public if she didn't go this route.

You know your attention's just getting him off, right?
Just block the little twizzler already.

You know that one's a bootleg, right? (Apparently there was a whole series of "fruitlegs" released in the wake of the Melon CD)

Damn, somebody needs to play Tolkien Nerd Showdown with Colbert…

Maybe what they really mean is that he *talks* tough, and the alpha-dog posturing is all they really care about…

Charlie Brown

In this case, the writer IS the tool!

Pretty sure Tom Bombadil was smarter than Trump.

AND whiter!