
I think the Melon fan-club CD may have been the first thing I ever bought off eBay.

Yeah, I'm surprised there isn't some sort of "offensive content" catch-all option

I'm kind of amazed that this is the first time I've been moved to actually block someone (I was gonna flag the comment as well, but the closest option I've got for that is "targeted harassment," and unquestionably shitty as his "joke" was, I'm not sure if it qualifies as harassment per se…)

No, it's racist to portray said invaders as monstrous, subhuman freaks.


If you don't wanna view art through a social / political lens, that's no skin off my nose, but what's the point in getting all het up about the folks who DO want to? If you're not interested in Tom's take, then don't read it.

Uhh, it's using an example to point out how the *film* is obscenely racist, so…

Meh, I say he gets a pass on that. It's the same reason I don't envy professional food critics - nobody likes *everything.*


Don't forget the multiple claims that he's a horndog to the extent that the crew has to work extra hard to keep his eyes "up here" if there's a cutie in the kitchen…

Go on…

Hold my coconuts

I really wish it was "Arkansasan."


What's the one scene?

I dearly love Face/Off, but how the hell was it ranked higher than Boogie Nights?


…that's a well-paddlin'?

ETA on the White House becoming a golf course?