
Worst superhero ever

Oh, Anne. Even you're better than this.

Obviously there are risks, but good luck trying to disprove one's alleged unfamiliarity…

Here's what I've never understood about this kind of screening process: couldn't you just, y'know, lie?

But … no guns and no sex make 'Murica something-something

*draws a line through "KOMODO DRAGON" on Daily Specials menu, writes in "BAG OF DICKS" instead*

…that's what Shelly Miscaviage said?

Man, every time I watch that scene I hope to god I never piss off Jeff Bridges.

Could there be a more fitting name for a spiritual advisor to Donny than White-Cain?

RE: Fiona Apple … hell, I remember a fair amount of commentary calling her actual mental health into question. A bullshit world indeed.

"Earlier today, we reported that human attention sponge Martin Shkreli…"

Yeah, I think he could pull it off. He's great at nonverbal acting (which I imagine would help for a character with such limited self-expression), and at portraying people who are a little "off" for lack of a better word.

How's about we just keep him away from all of the women?

Sorry, but the Pet Sematary article is THAT way. *points*

Let us know if you still feel that way after seeing "Winter's Tale" (written, produced, and directed by AG).

Supposedly Roland's hat was nixed for the film, because "Western movies with a lead character who wears a hat don't sell tickets," or something to that effect, so I doubt we'd have ever gotten a straightforward, faithful adaptation of the first book.

T-O-M-H-A-R-D-Y, that spells Tom Cullen!

I've got a feeling the producers were gunshy (heh) about going all-in on the crazy for fear of alienating general audiences who don't know the books, so they watered it down until it became a bland product that pleases no one.

I just wanted a tooterfish sandwich. :-(

Here you go: