
I thought cutting every corner was the American way.

Sorry, that was actually JOHN Voight who bit your dick.

I'd say season 8's "Roadrunners" is more fitting; America somehow got collectively brain-poisoned into throwing away our self-interest in favor of a Jesus Slug that can supposedly protect us from outsiders and show us the true way.

I ran into that problem with GTA Online. I'm a "get around to it eventually" sort of gamer, so by the time I bought GTA 5, got through the campaign, and finally decided to take Online for a spin (initially I had zero interest until I read up on all the stuff you can do; Hey, Lamar!), I was pathetically outmatched by

I disliked button combos back when fighting games "only" had about a dozen playable characters to choose from; now it's just a fucking joke. I started playing Mortal Kombat XL's campaign a few months ago, and while I've enjoyed the overall mechanics & design, it's really frustrating to know that with 30+ characters


Or 6 to 4?

Does this bus stop at 82nd Street?

So what you're saying is, it was like every other major-studio comedy of the last ten or fifteen years?


A frighteningly well-hung photographer?


Counterpoint: They were accepted to Harvard; their futures will likely be just fine.

Considering how relevant the songs are to this story's plot (based on what I've heard), and considering how thoughtful, detail-oriented, and clever (for lack of a better word) Wright is as a writer/director, why anybody would want to know the tracklisting in advance is beyond me.

Try eating less chili.

A two-inch-tall, mucus-covered cock.

It came out when I was twelve, saw it with my parents. Not sure what I was expecting, but I know I had the mentality that I was above getting scared by an all-ages dinosaur movie. NOPE
By the time that first T-Rex attack is over, I had sweaty hands and a tight ball in my stomach. Fuckin' Spielberg, man.

My first was GoldenEye, and it was glorious.

I'm sure I'm the hundredth person to say this, but I'd love to have caught the OG Star Wars when it first hit theaters. I can intellectually understand how it took the world by storm in '77, but I also know that's not the same as actually being one of those people who sat there wondering what the hell they'd just seen.

I remember falling in love with 'The Transporter' during the fight scene where a barechested Statham is taking out a roomful of thugs while slipping around in a bunch of motor oil. I'd heard it was a good action movie, but I wasn't expecting that kind of playfulness and homoeroticism.