
To be fair, they did have a 20 year old on Big Brother a few seasons before that (who for some reason also lied and told other houseguests she was 21 even though she wasn't allowed to drink) and I think an 18 year old a few seasons before that, so it wouldn't have been impossible her to be on the show, though I do

I wouldn't say they're trying to get him killed. Bishop's talk of murdering Cary within the next week was independent of anything the FBI was involved in. If anything, they gave him a heads up. I'd assume that if he did agree to testify, they'd be able to come to a deal where Cary would be put in the witness

There's no reason for them to give him protection if he's not going to testify against him though. Their job is to build a case against Bishop. They might've given him protection if Bishop had clearly threatened Cary's life, but if the tape isn't clear enough for them to arrest Bishop for that and Cary isn't going to

She isn't one of the people trying to put Cary away though. That's the state's attorney. The FBI is also trying to get Bishop, but at this point, they're still investigating to try to build a case against him. They aren't involved in the trial.