
Finally saw this and while it was a little formulaic, especially in terms of an origin story, it was a fucking blast. I was in an audience with all types of people and everyone was laughing and clearly into it.The post credits sequence was so great, I think my favorite of any Marvel movie so far.

To go from "NOBODY LOOK! NOBODY LOOK! to Ryan McPoyle as "Lion" McPoyle on the stand with Uncle Jack's hands now duct taped on had me crying with laughter to the point where I almost had to pause.

I usually can't stand people talking in the theater, let alone yelling. But I would have high fived your grandma. She sounds awesome!

It's really great because I often associate Best Picture with big, sweeping, dramatic, and intense films. This is a quiet, personal, really lovely film that made me feel all warm and fuzzy.

I just remember thinking "I swear to God, if she doesn't go back and settles with Domnhall Gleeson…" I think the marriage thing was sweet if not odd, but dammit after all she did for herself in settling in NYC, if she threw that all away I might have ended up hating the movie.

I was floored by how heavy and intense it was in a very simple, realistic way. I point to the victim interview scenes specifically, with the reporters being real reporters and not getting too emotional, while victims tell them horrible graphic details about their experiences.

We show it. Full penetration.

This. And I'm such a visual person that their visual representations (Bourdain's particularly) made it so much clearer to me.

The scene where he has a discussion with the guy in charge of Synthetic CDOs seriously made me blood boil. And made me wonder how he didn't just reach across and smack that asshole across the face.

Haha AMC theaters near me are like $5 before noon…which is pretty early, but I saw an 11:30 AM show so it was pretty manageable.

This was the first Fallout game I've played where it got to a point in which I ignored all side quests and rushed to finish the main story so I could "beat" it and trade it in.

If you name your band "Japanese Breakfast" you're the fucking worst. I don't care if you cure cancer, you're still the fucking worst.

Agreed with the last couple posts in that I found it nowhere near as bas as reviews make it out to be. The start is a little rough but at a certain point it finds a groove and there were some parts that were genuinely fucking hilarious.. Worth a matinee price.

Charlotte Newhouse all dressed up for the club…WOW

Eric Warheim is great. Super funny but also a legit talented director and overall creative person.

Shipping a male/female pair that serve as partners on a TV show/in a movie just leads to one of my least favorite things ever: "The male lead and the female lead MUST be romantically involved"

The OTP (One True Postage)

I'll probably have to rematch this ep, but it just did nothing for me. A cool experiment with some good moments, but overall just really, really strange.

Far OUT, man!

It's what happens when I haven't had enough coffee yet.