
I love that this series exists, because it represents such a different facet of Tim and Eric's work. It's such a stark contrast to Awesome Show, I almost get tripped out every time I see T&E with really clean/solid production, without the silly graphics and what have you.

I cringe just as many times as I laugh watching this show-sometimes unbearably so. The Man Zone was SO awkward but "You know what I could go for right now? A mother effin' beer." was just so so great.

Now that you know, you'll catch all the VERY Canadian sounding "Sorry!"s in the series…

This isn't anything new…but dammit if it isn't funny. The slow drums on Call Me make it sound so doom-y and the slowed vocals make it sound like a serial killer anthem.

Yeah truth be told, I am often surprised by how any fewer calories fast food has than I thought. Another thing I'm working on though is portions-I often buy more food than I need.

There's definitely different takes on it. Something I always think of is when I was in Austria, staying at a little bed and breakfast run by this husband and wife. I was eating in their little restaurant and had sausage soup (which was amazing) but didn't finish because I was full. The first thing the man did when he

Yes, that is extra tough! People offering you food, and family in particular is tough.

I've been trying to count calories and eat better in general. It's so easy until you have that one little thought that creeps in and says "Actually, a double quarter pounder sounds really good right now…" and you tell yourself it'll just be that one. And 2 weeks later, you're having fast food all the time.

M. Night 2.0

Does this include his infamous shout out to pears everywhere?

I got to see an early screening of this with Drew Goddard, which was a total blast.

Certainly a fair point! It's fair to say some cops become cops to fuel a power trip, and shittily enough there's often ignorance and bigotry tied into there.

In all my interactions with cops (nothing that serious, mind you), minus one who was a total dick about a bogus stop sign ticket, they've been pleasant and courteous.

You had me at Sam Rockwell.

The best part about this is you only need one headphone to listen!

Given Universal's history, they'll probably close a classic ride to make it…so I feel it's justified.

It'll be a haunted house, where all the scenes are him playing stupid "games" with random celebrities, while his irritating laughter echoes EVERYWHERE.

Nope, I sure do-esepcially the episode involving Medusa, which gave me nightmares for YEARS!

Guess I'm still the only person that thinks It Follows was not only not scary, but INCREDIBLY overrated as well…

The flying scarecrow was one of the funniest fucking things I've ever seen. The site of a tiny scarecrow being flown around on a drone had me in stitches-this season has been amazing so far.