
Good to know, but what of Pacific Rim Job 2?!

The Tom Brady story was pretty damn funny, but I hardly even cracked a grin at the A story. What they were going for was pretty unclear, and it just wasn't funny. At least they got this out of the way in the first episode…

They can say no whenever they want! But of course they won't…because of the implications.

I hadn't heard of this movie until a couple weeks ago when I saw the trailer before some movie-the TRAILER itself blew my away. I'm so excited to see it is as good as it looks!

…for your tears.

My friend and I both think he was the best part of that movie, which was in general an incredibly enjoyable movie.

Yeah, I figure it'll be a tongue-in-cheek spoof, in which case I think he's great for the role. I do honestly think he's a very underrated comic actor.

I really need to watch that movie…

Michael Pena as Ponch is actually pretty goddamned perfect.

Scenes From An Italian Restaurant is a really fucking good song.

The only thing I remember about that movie is this-isn't there some character that only works out half of his body? Like only does weights with one arm?


He said a mean thing first…


Them trying to be so intense about how "poor" the guy was by pointing out how narrow his hallway was, etc was so fucking perfect. This show is amazing so far.

As you could probably gather from my user name/avatar, Rushmore did something very similar to me. I was hopelessly in love with the world within the film and just adored the characters and the style.

As fate would have it, I'm listening to it as I saw this piece.

Guys, a grown man has that haircut.

"This isn't my nose, it's a FALSE one!"

I can't get over the look on that kid's face in the screenshot. Was he just comically hit by a frying pan?