
Well, Weiner certainly was right in that a lot of people wouldn't like the ending.

Holy shit that was incredible. It's a movie that I enjoy more and more as I think about. That was 2 hours of almost nonstop practical stunts involving people jumping to and moving around cars flying through the desert. That's pretty goddamn remarkable in the current landscape of movies.

Not alright, not alright, not alright!

So this is what, a B on the Dowd curve?

Skrillex in Guitar Hero?! The fuck?!

I look forward to the awkward twee version of Cherry Bomb!

That's certainly a much better way to look at it, if that's the case (and it very well could be). I think people are being too reactive, though maybe I can't blame them?

I've seen some odd backlash against Weiner for the whole Betty plot. One person even said "You do this on Mothers' day, Matthew Weiner?! How dare you!"

The Mechanical Age damn near made me shit my pants as a kid. The creepy ambient music, combined with sadistic looking cages and shit? I kept expecting to turn around and see one of the brothers ready to kill me.


It's like, how much more Hipster could they get? And the answer is…none. None more Hipster.

I guess I'm the only one who thought it was pretty mediocre…really funny in parts, but wayyyyyyyyyyyy too sappy for my taste.

"Hulu has won the rights to Legendary Entertainment’s adaptation of classic CD-ROM game Myst."

Not overblown at all in my mind! My mind operates in very, very much the same way.

Another season for me to just not get it :/

I was at a record store the other day flipping through comedy albums-they had about 6 of his. I felt this sick pit in my stomach even just looking at those. I can't believe people still believe and want to defend this ass clown.

Despite (almost) re-introducing the Waitress again, I was utterly fascinated with Don this week. The short scene of him gazing out the window absent mindedly in the meeting was so strangely captivating.

The thought of her face CGI'd onto all of them cracks me the hell up…

THAT'S more like it! I could watch an entire episode dedicated to the Sand Snakes, badass women are always welcome.

…it looks pretty bad.