
Completely paraphrasing here, but Pete commenting on taking a new date to a business meal being a bad idea, because of the possibility of her getting drunk and being a "floozy" was so classic asshole Pete. But dammit if I didn't laugh.

Tyrion and Varys going on a drunken road trip?

I bought the album that has the full ride narration, plus Grim Grinning Ghosts and a bunch of other awesome music from all the different versions of the attraction.

I'm going in June for 4 days and will probably ride it AT LEAST 15 times. It scared the living hell out of me as a kid, then I went on it again at around 13 and just completely fell in love with the detail, the staging, the story.

Of course Dowd picks Toy Story 3….of course.

"but now the little tram or whatever is finally picking up speed"

Just when I think some of your picks couldn't irritate me more (Scott Pilgrim VS The World), you go and put something like The Master at #1….AND TOTALLY REDEEM YOURSELF!

Or as I liked to call it upon first seeing the trailer:



It was soul crushing…and amazing. One of those movies where I walked out and said to my friends "That was a great movie…and I can never watch it again."

I have NEVER in my life heard a theater as quiet as during the raid. Not even a chair creak, or a sniffle, or a muffled cough. Dead silence. We were all there with them.

Saw The World's End, scrolled down excitedly to just say FUCK YES!

I might be the only person on Earth who didn't like Black Swan.

"It's horrible!"
-My fiancee on…

That was unbelievably moment of physical comedy. I was dying, I almost had to pause I was laughing so hard.

Plaid suits.

It was gory, intense, relentless, and fucking insane.

That definitely felt like one very, very stretched out joke…C from me, weakest of the season.

On top of the emotional impact in this scene, my grandfather LOVED Sinatra so any time I hear his music I get super misty eyed. It all tied together for me in a strangely personal moment.