
Bahahahaha! Yeah. Sad day when "She's good cause she writes her own music!" is a watermark.

@JeetRaut:disqus jumps into pool via cannonball, closes his eyes, and sinks to the bottom

I always enjoy getting into arguments with her die hard fans because I think her music blows and she acts and dresses weird to cover that up, and then they immediately go to "She's an artist, she's making a statement!"

Well crap, I've only seen 3 of these. Frances Ha would also be my choice for what I've seen.

There will be a hipster fixie ride through the cancelled cities to protest this.

As long as the cinematography looks the same, I am 100% sold already.

I have this picture in my head of Travolta aiming down that arrow, seeing Olivia Newton John in leather pants and big stilettos, then sitting up and going SANDY?!

Never leave me, O'Neal.

Great job, 90s!

Not reading the review, as I'm waiting to completely surprised (or not) by the plot….but I'm happy to see a B+

You had me until "Chris Hardwick".

Yep, it definitely has a terrible lyrical capacity, and it like every other "summer jam" in the past few years in that sense.

"We're up all night to get lucky! And hopefully not lose our life savings!"

The best part is that Pharrel said "get lucky" in the song doesn't necessarily mean sexually. Not sure how else you take it, but there you have it.

I just hope it's half as good as Justified, so I have something to bide the time until Justified returns.

I love me some Diane Kruger….mmmmmmmmm…mmmmmm!

Yes, walking down the stairs with the scariest yet most loath-able look on his face…

Well, I like it. It's imposing, but realistic and not over the top. Based on a drawing I saw in the style of the books throne, it was almost silly how over the top it was.

I'm from Utah myself. As a kid, I was a bit ignorant as to their whole deal, but growing older and learning more about their just plain bat shit craziness, I take time every day to think about how lucky I am I don't live in that state anymore…

You could in fact be very right…