Allison Johnson

Tara Reid looked a lot better before the makeover!

Haha…. Goodbye Chuck…. I really hated your guts!

Nikki and Mr Wrench steal the show again!

This season hasn't been as good as the first two, but the bus escape and forest chase, decapitation etc, may be my favorite sequence from all three seasons.

Harley debuted the moment Barbara got fried!

The love scenes between Alfred and Bruce were actually pretty creepy.

Actually, the letter L was missing. It read "one wolf"

The cartoon was my favorite part. And…. How did Thaddeus age so much in 35 yrs? He looked 25 in the 70s and 85 in 2010. Damn Cocaine!!!

Wax on, Wax off!"

I'd hate to be stuck with Debbie at Ponderosa!

Debbie is a very ugly woman, inside and out.

They should just kill Sandra and eat her.

I'm pretty sure Paddy's Pub runs itself! xD Think of the implications!

Who's running the motel these days?

Classic Sunny!

the best episode of the past several seasons

Fantastic episode. The scene between Jerome and Lea was hilarious!

This show gets better with each episode.

Linda Blair, the actress who terrified the nation and made the Original Exorcist the most famous horror film of all time? That Linda Blair? You're right…. it should defiantly be starring Geena Davis from that immortal classic, "Earth Girls are easy."

The Insane asylum episode was a lot better.