"McCain and Romney were portrayed as the most evil thing that would set the country back 100 years."
"McCain and Romney were portrayed as the most evil thing that would set the country back 100 years."
"The left needs to respect these poor white people enough to have a conversation and convince them that the immigrants aren't the problem, it's the rich people that are driving their current economic uncertainty"
"What the 'good guys' need to do is actually demonstrate to them that they recognise that the disenfranchisement of those people matters and give them some hope in actual real solutions."
Even more bullshit here than in first comment.
"Your other points are utterly and completely true."
"Obama started with a friendly congress, but the people did not want Obamacare, so elected a congress to block. Obama did an end around and essentially pushed through a broken Obamacare by executive order. The Affordable Care Act has mcade healthcare far less affordable for every working family in America."
Dexter S1 did a lot of things well. I also love S2 though I know many don't. I liked S3 fine and then… well you know.
That's now the only thing they requested. They also wanted investments in their communities. That part never came. The "law and order" part was easy for Bill to to triangulate because it fed into the black criminality narrative he used to win votes from Southern whites.
No need, unless you are perpetually depressed or need hipster cred.
The more time the better obviously but Vale's has a 2-hour formula.
Vale's Original Formula. I'm 4-for-4 using it, one time a day after heavy smoking, and everyone I know also is 100 percent using it.
Van, next time just go to the head shop and purchase Vale's.
Check out "Errrbody" by Yo Gotti for a great takedown of those people. Also listen because it's a great club banger.
Yeah they did as many editing tricks as they could but he obviously sucks at ball. It was distracting. Also their fight was cartoonish, maybe purposefully so. But overall I liked the Biebs storyline.
No, it's invited to the cookout.
Maybe they didn't think through the implications of the "dumb people out-bred smart people" setup. It's something that's funny on the surface and I'm guessing (hoping) that's as far as it went for them.
It probably could have been brilliant if it weren't so unloved by the studio.
Rush Limbaugh.
The premise is brilliant. But the film does have problems, most notably the pro-eugenics-y setup and the bad f/x.
I've always thought this proved he should have been POTUS in that world. He wasn't quite as dumb as everyone else.