Ian Cook

Because the first couple of albums by the Chili Peppers were straight up funk albums.

Old people car, for sure.

Don't get your panties in a bunch there buddy.

As a kid, I hated cool things because they were cool and I wanted nothing to do with them. As I got older, I realized that I don't care what other people do or think, and I realized that I missed out on a lot of great things because of this attitude. Just because everyone else likes it, doesn't make it crap. Just

Haha, yeah, that's what I meant.

And it will probably still be better than "50 ways to die in the west".

Brian Fellows kills me every time. Hoping for a Brian Fellows movie.

What kind of crack was he smoking?

Agreed, Libertarianism is a great philosophy, but it requires riding unicorns over rainbows for it to work.

I just read War of the Worlds, written in 1898 and it was better than Rand.

All my Libertarian friends practically worship her.

Should have been part of the soundtrack.

That's why I quit watching the movie halfway through.

I find it ironic that one of the great conservative icons was an Atheist.

I never read the book, and I know nothing about Ayn Rand. The first part was so boring and pointless, that I quit watching around half way through.

"Smarmy liberal cred". LOL

I think Swift is immensely talented, the girl knows how to write a song. Her earlier albums were pretty simplistic, but her newer stuff is really good. I'm enjoying this album.

Ha! I didn't go to such an extent, but I did a similar search before I realized the scam.

I was way older than I should have been (12 or 13) before I realized that Harrison Ford was both Indiana Jones and Han Solo.