Ian Cook

Criminal Minds maybe?

I only know him from Criminal Minds.



I was at a friends house once and they had two teeangers about a year or so apart, a son and a daughter. They wresteled around like they were Bf/Gf and when they were done with that, she sat on his lap for like 20 minutes in a chair (leaving a perfectly good couch free). Their parents were in the room and everything

Yeah, like Bryan Adams.

Everyone was most likely stoned.

Not really, batman is a detective that fights crime and hides in the shadows, not really a creepy character, and there are very few creepy Batman comic books. Penguin bit a guys nose off, he ate raw fish on screen.He was just really gross. Not really a fan of gross.

Good point.


The movie most certainly has it's flaws, but I spend too much time on the internet (of course) and I'm talking about the general reaction when a movie first comes out and the buzz surrounding it. I've seen the very same people who loved a movie (and raved about it online) suddenly change their opinion of it a few

I agree with you. I think TDKR had a kind of mixed response and somehow people projected their dislike of it to the previous movie in the series.

To each his own, but that sounds like a personal problem.

IT wasn't a GREAT movie by any means, but it was enjoyable. I can still watch it today. B&R, not so much.

Let's see, first off, the Penguin bites off a guys nose.

I liked the first Burton film, but the second one was needlessly gross and dark (props to Pfifer though, she was totally hot), Forever was a decent film by all means, but B&R was just so terrible.

I completely agree! When TDK first came out, everyone was in love with the movie, but somewhere the internet convinced people that they were supposed to hate it, and people followed suit. Such a bizarre thing.

The internet ruins people. They go to a movie and they like it. Then, when someone starts hating online, people jump on the bandwagon. Batman Forever is a decent movie by all counts. Just don't ask the internet.

I recently listened to the audiobook version and Card spoke for a bit, and he seemed to think it was a Young Adult novel. He said as much. He said that he actually toned down the language a bit because he knew young people would be reading it.

Everyone I knew growing up loved it, and nearly everyone I know now speaks fondly of it and still quote it. Happened Wednesday.