
Epic 'busking twats playing Wonderwall' hate thread, including a hilarious bodybuilding pharmacist piano playing sock puppet that became a legend:

Abscribe all the deeper meaning you want, it was clearly a cash grab unit shifter.

Some of us aren't church ladies, high on our own moral sensibility, and can separate the art from the artist.

The lyrics were the worst thing about Nirvana to me. It always struck me as terrible teen poetry that thinks it's, like, soooo deep.

Damn, I loved that one. You rarely see it mentioned now.

Tumblr thinks everyone is as fucked up as they are, and I find it bizarre that people in their 20's seem to treat the characters in TV shows like plastic dolls they want to rub together while they schlick off.

So you're saying your average corporate drone has any more actual, not imagined, power in society than a slave did?

To answer your questions: No, it was campy shit. No, it was creepy and misogynistic. No, it wasn't as good as the show it spun off from.

Wait. That lame simultaneous speaking thing they do is supposed to be rapping?

A springy bass and a cheap violin keyboard preset does not make a 'straight up ripoff'. It doesn't sound like it at all.

I think people are blaming acting, writing and directing, for what I suspect is the actual problem: millenials don't really understand social norms and behavioural cues and their awkwardness with interpersonal interaction with each other - (resulting in low self esteem kabuki duckfaces rather than genuine 'approach

24 is what made me realise how much of television really functions as 'Kim And The Mountain Lion': filler existing to pad the running time.

Wait. There's a sequel to a reboot I wasn't even aware happened? Not sure if that means I'm just mature or skipped maturity into senility.

"ooh, Lollipop Chainsaw. Twenty of them."

There's a aisle in my local one that smells like something dark and despairing. Is it shit? Piss? Blood? Rotting meat? Elder gods? I don't know how the workers stand it.

Nerds can't use a map to Quick Travel in real life.

The scent of virginity and sweaty fat boy crevasses?

Big hair was a sexual signifier of confident, outgoing women from more extroverted times. We're in a cocooning period, where suspicious, narcissistic avoidant-attachment personalities are dominating: flat hair; inability to sustain eye contact, (shop assistants are the worst); creepy insecure smiles (straight lines,

I don't understand feminism. Most men I know think their jobs are boring and pointless. Why are women so fascinated with office work? Why don't they find it soul-destroying busywork? Why is writing another mini-essays on the politics of pop culture TV really the height of independence for a woman, (given the sea

The difference is this crappy song is the easiest target in the world. No-one is going to feel offended by someone shitting on this song, and somehow thinking they're being judging that their taste as inferior because of it.