Michael Thompson

It was done as a sport and endurance event and not with the desire to enjoy Age of Ultron..nothing wrong with that but I would rather get good night's sleep and enjoy the film.

more like they used a live track to build the studio track that is on the album. It was recorded on 8/3/1983 at First Avenue. I have heard the recording and not that similar to what's on the album.

That dude is such a douche.

Prince's "Purple Rain" is always so much better than the album track, but not really a released live version besides the one from the '85 video that isn't one of the best.

She was never beautiful??!?!? What planet are you from. a simple google images search will show that she had an incredible attractive face when younger…just strikingly so.

Wow what a shocker..someone who is super religious is not too bright. Who woulda thunk it?

Excellent article…well written and very well thought out.

Excellent article…well written and very well thought out.