

The hell does that have to do with anything?

Going to add that, even if Patinkin is acting in a gentlemanly manner (and I think he sure as hell is), this does play in to a really bad precedent. If replacing a non-white actor (by the way, our whole definition of what is or isn't 'white' is stupid and illogical as all hell in this country anyways) with a white

But then I can't blame them too much since most of them were in a position of: "Hey, peon living in a dictatorship, do a thing." / "But I thought we weren't supposed to do that." / "Silence!"

There's something to be said for focusing on the positive. Actively going out of your way to promote X because X is both "the future" and "the now"— yeah, I know, "Fuck yeah, wind power!" is a weird thing to imagine, but stay with me— can be at least tolerated by the broad massages. It's a far more difficult sell to

Hell, even though there have been vaccine denialists for a long damn time, it's not until the past half-decade or so that it's been shoved into a political lens. And now we have a President that preaches that horseshit. But now, well, it is what it is.

Can we as a world peoples, all of us, stop using the words "sex", "sexy", "sexed", and so on in direct association with Al Gore? I'm saying this as a general complaint to humanity. I'd just… rather we not.

I don't think it's right at all to say that there's no evidence of this per se. It's more a matter of that the causes of extreme weather— particularly cyclones— are complex and general global increases in temperature will have varying effects depending on the area, some statistically insignificant. I'm not surprised

Given that we're in a U.S. political context where deliberately hurting other people— punishing them out of the desire to make them suffer for your own enjoyment— is a widespread and popular thing (witness the proposed kicking out of LGBT people from the military out of countless example), I… I really don't have

You mean seek out knowledge and facts?! But that might make you turn into one of the globalist cucks themselves! I make my own facts, thank you very much, from the good Lord's own Holy Bible and the smart feelings that grow deep from my gut! It's worked for generations now!

We're talking about a political clique in power that genuinely thinks: PBS, NPR, et al are a bunch of evil conspiratorial Marxists out to destroy America by teaching that race mixing is okay, that women should have the same rights as men, that LGBT people should get respect, and so on. This is what they sincerely

In 100% total honesty: I'd much rather be surrounded by modern U.S. Satanists— who are pro-LGBT, pro-women, pro-science, pro-tolerance, pro-peace, and the rest— when I'm desperate in the middle of the night than your random average stranger.

Alex Jones' awfulness is symbolic of a larger problem: threats of criminal violence is considered 'normal free speech now' in a de facto sense, even if de jure the country as a whole finds it not acceptable at all. You can advocate for whatever hateful, horrific shit to be done to gays, Jews, black people, etc you

Settled down parent John probably would've evolved to be a boring pragmatic centrist in the vein of somebody like George Bush Sr., Susan Collins, Ed Koch, and the like.

Perfect. Just perfect.

You know, as much as I really fucking hate identity politics and tribalism, it's pretty Goddamn telling that if you're a white Christian man with money you can do a lot of horrifically evil shit while still having strict defenders who will protect you even after you're fucking dead… yet there's a clear sense that

He's attacked by centrists, libertarians, moderates, liberals, etc politically and LGBT people, black people, Asian people, etc demographically, so there's a kind of death spiral here: those that call out Trump the most are the kind of human beings that the Trump supporters detest the most, so it feels into

For one's own sanity, you need to limit how much attention you're letting the Dumpster Fire in Chief capture. Practice basic balance. Look to other things that are (blissfully, at this moment) not being actively raped by the U.S.' fucked up political system.

I genuinely would like to see a movie where T.J. Miller goes how he 'Loves to Singa 'Bout the Moona n' the Juna n' the Springa' and all of that.

>'Sporting the precise same young-outsider-learns-to-accept-himself-and-becomes-a-hero plot as every other family animated film'