Barbara Fox

Oh, I imagine someone likes him - some member or members of his own family. Beyond that…. yeah, he seems to have gone out of his way to antagonize just about everyone. It's sad, because right around Hurricane Sandy I thought he was turning out to be a decent guy and independent thinker.

I enjoyed the episode, overall, but I swear if they don't get Laurence Fishburne in front of the cameras again soon I am going to throw a Bow-sized fit.

Bless you for using Garcia Marquez to make your point.

I've always said that the most frightening book I've ever read wasn't horror or "Hunger Games"-style dystopia, but "The Handmaid's Tale" - because even when it was first published I thought it was chillingly possible for it all to really happen. And recent events have not reassured me on that score.

Bit sad to think that, because of Alan Rickman's death, we probably won't find out if Karen and Harry really did completely reconcile, rediscovering the love they'd shared.

I love "Beauty and the Beast" and rewatch it frequently. But I think you deeply underestimate the quality of "The Lion King," which is THE Disney masterpiece in our home.

I love that song and I think I love you for mentioning it, Your Eminence.

Seriously??? I mean… seriously?????

A long-gone but not forgotten character on "Greys" was Dr. Mark Sloan, whose taste for 'single malt scotch' was well known, though as he and Derek regained their bromantic bond, he was sometimes seen sharing beer with Derek over a ballgame.

Nicks hits Buckingham just as hard with "Dreams".

What about Lindsey Buckingham's "Wrong", an at least partial response to Mick Fleetwood's first memoir (which in spite of his admiration for Buckingham's talent, take a noticerable anti-Lindsey stance when it comes to the woman they both loved, Stevie Nicks. (Fleetwood tends to wax effusive towards Nicks'

Would someone please put Hugh Dancy (the way he looked in "Hannibal") and Jeremy Davies (the way he looked in "Lost") in a film about brilliant, troubled brothers repairing their relationship as each faces tremendous challenges?

First of all, I find it interesting that some of the songs you listed as 'least skippable' also show up on this list!

I want to know the secret recipe for Los Pollos Hermanos' chicken, darn it!