'People (usually) don't change in real life, and when they do it takes a long fucking time, and it's really hard'
'People (usually) don't change in real life, and when they do it takes a long fucking time, and it's really hard'
i'm so so sad to see kwenthrith go, i loved everything about her character, loved the actress as well. i wish i could say the same about judith, but nope. i know some people think she's going to turn into some kind of manipulative mastermind, but i still think she's fooling herself; she's far from free (and i find the…
noooo, that makes it even sadder now. i love kwenthrith and the idea she was let go because of the actress' pregnancy is really annoying.
is it true? if it is, it's really low :(
sadly, this is so true.
'friendship'. i think of it as a love story.
exactly. you never own people, and they're free to do what they like always. the thing is, in relationships, whether they're friendships or romantic, if you're a decent person you're mutually respectful and honest which isn't at all what has been happening with the hannah/jessa/adam dynamic. but apparently to some…
your point? why should i care what others like?
again. not needing someone's permission doesn't make something right.
lmfao. all characters are flawed in this show, but i happen to like marnie quite a bit, whose also very attractive so stop pulling stuff out of your arse. people like or don't like characters for tons of reasons.
tbf to adam, it doesn't seem like he stayed friends with hannah. jessa and hannah were shown to be very close for 4 season, obviously every character in this show is selfish, but it's undeniable jessa looked for hannah when she needed support and hannah was always there. they even made a point of showing how angry…
imo it's because they're both hot. you'd be surprised how easily people buy into any fictional relationship, as long as the people involved look good while doing it.
i'm gonna ignore your attempts at undermining my points with ad hominem because, hey stranger on the internet who doesn't know me, i can't be arsed!
'Over the age of 12 friendships matter less and less.'
period to you. obviously both i and the writers of this show disagree with your nihilist views on friendship.
i can't believe people are actually upvoting this. i hope you lot are nicer human beings in real life than what you argue for in tv shows.
what is 'infidelity'? what does it mean? jessa is breaking hannah's trust, because idk about you, but normally you don't expect your friends to date your exes even when YOU dumped them. you're admitting not be objective, which fine at least you're honest, but that doesn't mean jessa isn't doing something wrong.
jessa is/was hannah's friend, and that's far far worse. that's why she gets most of the blame.
jessa IS doing something wrong though. dating your friend long term ex, is wrong. wrong as in, something shitty to do to a friend.
i think, to the fact some commenters are saying there's foreshadowing of marnie catching hiv or something.