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    everything to do with jessa and adam; i hate boyfriend swapping. it's stupid and lazy writing that reminds me of stuff like one tree hill, which is what i used to watch as a teen. i'm in my mid 20s now, i'd like my entertainment to be of higher quality (it's obvious they pulled this storyline out of their arse just to

    ok, this is too long for me to read, i made it halfway.

    yeah, and there are definitely shades of that in her friendship with hannah as well.

    finally a good episode. contrary to others, i'm not enjoying this season all that much (my enjoyment of this show has been going downhill since season 2, and certain decisions this season are really doing my head in), but this one really did it for me. it made me emotional as well, and girls rarely does.

    also they've been talking about this since season1, and they still always come to the same conclusion. i'm puzzled as to what the show is trying to tell me at this point.

    you're ridiculous.

    1- calling someone 'useless' when they disagree with you, is ad hominem. we're discussing the show, not me.
    2- i'm not a troll and i comment here regularly. accuse someone else. and this is also ad hominem btw, because you're trying to invalidate what i say by attributing me behaviours i don't have. disagreeing =/=

    lol ok. making ad hominems instead of admitting you got it wrong isn't gonna help your argument. also maybe learn to use youtube.

    i really disagree. there's an actual scene in which she's sobbing, why don't you mention that? the actress is crap i'm not denying that, but you're completely misinterpreting the scene, look again

    it's way too fluffy and ridiculous. also gisla has the exact same haircut, which is just odd.


    i agree with most of what you say, except about yidu. she isn't very happy ragnar is addicted to that drug he's giving him. i don't like yidu as a character btw, she seems pointless.

    you did miss a scene; she's shown crying.

    it's bad acting. they had her cry in that scene, obviously the writing was meant for her to be upset!

    what? she was literally crying lol, she was clearly very upset her son was taken from her. in fact, she looked worried in all her scenes, as if she's finally recognising she has no freedom whatsoever and never had, because it's in ecbert's hands and the guy is most likely insane.

    i did miss him, we didn't get much of him this season.

    i don't think the issue is the out of nowhere as such, but more with the ridiculousness of boyfriend swapping, something you'd see on low quality teen soaps.

    i also suspect they wanted to keep adam driver on the show because he's popular (and rightly so, he's a great actor), but his role in the show was done once hannah refused him last season. if he had been played by a different actor, they would have just wrote him out.

    When he was in a serious relationship with Hannah he told her he used sex like that to keep him from drinking and to, in effect, distance himself from the situation. But that sex shows Adam and Jessa are in love? What?

    you're very wrong, and i'm willing to bet. they're already setting up maggie with her comic's storyline at hilltop.