gender neutral probably because she doesn't know the gender of the baby. it's one child, joanie, we saw it in the flash forwards.
gender neutral probably because she doesn't know the gender of the baby. it's one child, joanie, we saw it in the flash forwards.
but the woman who asked him just wanted to get him to bed
it wouldn't make sense narratively, with all the hints and fuss over the paternity, come on. it would be really cheap writing, and so far i think this show is better than that. like, it would be a the walking dead level of crappy writing.
oh i actually think he did love her back in the day. the way he talks about her when she was younger is quite endearing (also what he wrote in the book). pity he is super horrible now.
it probably depends on personal preference though. i think somewhat villainous characters can make great protagonists e.g. walter white or cersei lannister
i don't think we need to find good things about him tbh. interesting characters don't have to be good, just compelling. he's a terrible human being, but he's also very watchable, imo.
she loves him, that's why helen is sorry. she's sorry regardless, because they're not together anymore. it's really quite sad :(
helen is still in love with noah though, which breaks my heart. also i don't know whether it's intentional or just something that can't be helped, but dominic and maura's chemistry is amazing.
dominic west is attractive. he's aged of course, but he's still fairly good looking and witty and just lovely, comes across so well in interviews.
it was me who asked and… eww. this is the type of crap i would expect from a male writer, but not from a woman. that said writers can be ridiculously unaware of the fact once characters are on the page or on screen, they have a life of their own, regardless of what the writers' intentions were. i actually believe…
that's why he's the worst, he doesn't seem to care about anyone but himself.
he probably got cocky after he managed to have the affair with alison, although imo she only got with him because she's emotionally frail at this moment.
i think you're projecting your own experience on the storyline. how's cole oppressive? if anything he was willing to let alison go when she needed it, although we can't forget he was grieving as much as alison (idk why some people forget gabriel was also his child) so he wasn't in good place either.
i love alison as a character, so i get what you're saying. but idk if i'll be able to side with her on this one, let's see how they present it to us.
I also think the words "our baby" is a plot device for the lawyers to get the wrong ideas.
you need to pay attention to what the characters do and say; scotty doesn't give a shit about love triangles, but he cares, in his own messed up way, about his family, and not just because of financial reasons. now, we heard mama lockhart cry out how their lot is cursed and there won't be another lockhart. except……
oh don't get me wrong, i applaud the show for exploring it as well, and i'm so here for unlikeable characters doing terrible things. that doesn't mean his motives aren't selfish and shallow though.
lmao. yeah, you're right, i'm sure cole's storyline will be about erectile dysfunction now *snorts*
from the next week clip it seems that some critic tears his book apart iirc… idk, throughout the years i read lots of books I found mediocre at best (in terms of both writing and/or plot) while the general public and awards sang their praises. the show is portraying the literary world as "full of it", which i say it's…
well, i mean, it won several awards so i'm sure people must have talked about it?