
Except Gilly is not making a grand revelation and being ignored. She actually IS nattering on about things that, in the context they are being delivered, are not important. Yes, Sam is a dick to her, but the revelation she is making means absolutely nothing to anyone in the room at the time.

Eh, it wasn't that bad

If they've known each other for years and are friends and Cornell knows full well the other guy is totally cool with it, then maybe. Even then, the relationship would have to be such that the tech can sling it right back in Cornell's face and they'll both laugh it off and have a beer. If that's the case, then it's

No they didn't. I'm not saying it wasn't distasteful to have him on and I was put off by it, too, but do you actually think there's one person out there who wouldn't otherwise have voted for Trump but chose to do so because he was on SNL? They had him on one week, a week in which a whole bunch of people who otherwise

You do see it dangling out of her chest after she wakes up, but I think what people react to in that scene is the audible THUD after Vincent's arm comes down.

Did we watch the same trailer? Because in the one I saw there was no way Pine was featured as heavily as Gadot.

Where does Styx fit into this equation?

And cocaine

I'd rather save that entrance for a match that means something rather than one that gets shoved into the first hour of the show with no real build, even if that means waiting a year for it.

They sure wanted to kill Andy Kaufman, though

Does snooty-ass gourmet pizza count? Cause I've had that with pear on it. It was fine.

I was absolutely there and did not find it obnoxious at the time. In hindsight, can I shake my head and laugh at it? Sure I can, but I don't see it as being any more obnoxious than any other passing pop-culture fancy. Now, the Swingers-led late 90's swing-revival? THAT was some obnoxious crap.

Yeah it was cool until everyone else thought it was cool then it wasn't cool anymore because something can only be cool if you can feel that you're cooler than everyone else for thinking it's cool.

The only "problem" with Die Hard is when it ends and then I'm not watching Die Hard anymore

It never stopped being good. For a while there it was LESS good than it had been, but even then it was better than any other network sitcom on at the time.

He still gets a pass from me just because of "Sad Mouse"



I have met people who dismissed Aliens as "just an action movie" when compared to the original. However, they have all conceded that is a really, really good action movie.

Basically because "fuck you, bitch". The look on Weaver's face after the egg next to her opens up to release it's face-hugger is priceless. At that moment, she needs the queen to see her take out those eggs. Is it the smart thing to do? No. Is it badass? Hell yeah.