Jed Jam Band

Rockdoughberfest was a truly soul-crushing experience. Mitchell was ready to just give up after the Hard Rock Cafe episode. I'm glad that they're done with that conceit, for now, even though it gave us some really great moments. Spoon Man needs to get his groove back.

You HAVE to be kidding me.

Nope, not yet. Just wait until we start getting The Hunger Games Shared Universe. Oh, maybe Godzilla and Pacific Rim can cross over! (Oh, God, please don't do this.)

Indeed. I love that show, if for nothing else, for putting Constance Wu on our screens week after week. They could have the whole show just be her and I think it would be an improvement (especially if they got rid of the Eddie Huang voiceover, ugh).

My brother and I watched the first two episodes and I don't think I've laughed this much at any debuting comedy since…well, since Community probably.

The A.V. Club
Ain't trying anymore, why should I?

Yes. It was honestly a very good album (aside from "Back to the Shack," which certainly still served its purpose as an important, though not subtle, message to the fans).

I have his variant for Autumnlands: Tooth and Claw #3 and it is just excellent. Especially given the juxtaposition between a book with such serious and well-plotted themes and dramatics as Autumnlands and Young's uber-fun style. It just works. (If you love Young, he's currently writing AND drawing Rocket Raccoon,

I have spent the better part of the show's entire run basically bashing my head against a wall any time Kristina or Max appeared onscreen.

I know the joke you're making, but it's essentially "Reverse Trophy Wife." Trophy Wife's main character was the wife, who was the third of Bradley Whitford's wives, while this show appears to be centered on a woman who has already had 3 husbands. So, basically the same show, except reverse the protagonist-foil