mind gorilla

I know this hard for you but go ahead and follow the link to the article in Washington Times . As mentioned previously the videos, in their entirety, were available from the beginning. This not a new video but the original video that has been blocked by the court but now its been released. You avoid the truth

you don't? oh that hurts. You of course have no argument about the truth of the video and what PP does as part of their business plan.

lol - you are a nut. You make my point for me. You can't bring yourself to deal with the reality that planned parenthood was caught doing something evil and lying about it. It all about your politics not the truth. Your simply dishonest.

haha you just made my point. Trumped up charges in CA for illegally taping …but the videos never mind that. Kinda like Hillary and the emails. Never mind the content its the Russians. BTW the entire Un-edited video was posted online - but you weren't interested in that, were you?

liberals gotta love em - they never let reality disrupt their bias. Planned parenthood has been caught on video tape discussing the selection and sale of human body parts. But Trump or something.

at least your investing

Its clear that the author and the majority of the millennial commenters are working overtime to miss the point…then again maybe they're not. So let me help -stop wasting your money on self indulgent things LIKE avocado toast and pricey coffee instead work hard, sacrifice immediate gratification and save your money.

look it up. You can be removed at anytime for any reason determined by the airline or the crew. Once your off the plane you may have recourse but while on a plane you forfeit your rights for the safety of your fellow passengers.

I didnt say I agreed with policy- I don't. It's happened to me. What I disagree with is the way this jerk acted. You have zero rights on an airplane. You must comply or expect be man handled. There were also 100 other people who had plans. Be an adult.

ok this guy is at least part of the problem. He was chosen at random because no one volunteered. the other people chosen exited the plane without incident. This "doctor" (that in itself is a frightening thought) refuses and has to be pulled from his seat screaming like a 2 yr old and then runs back onto to the

james bond is not; gay, a woman, a minority, not english. get over it. write your own damn book