
"Hey, does it smell like accelerants in here to anyone else? No? It's just me? And you're making a crude sex joke about it? Okay, but I really think it smells like accelerants."

Oh man, I saw "Bernie" at a movie theater in a small town in Texas.

You should go to more movies.

Thank you. I will defend that experience until the day that I die.

But, I also saw "Arsenic and Old Lace" at the Paramount in Austin and loved every second of it. There is nothing like seeing a screwball comedy on the big screen. They are so warm and kinetic … I was literally slapping my knee and laughing.

Oh man, Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull. Similar story, except that my old band had a show the day of the release and the bass player and I caught an afternoon showing. It was just awful and, as a public service, we had to let this be known.

Yeah Jesse, give it to us straight. Can we actually watch this stinker and marvel at its badness? I think I would enjoy the experience if I were in a theater of like-minded people and I could yell and guffaw as much as I wanted.

That's just what Dad's are, right? When it's put in print, he seems to have anger issues, but he is very, very typical of an American father circa 1960-1985.

Yeah, I'm still not sure about that one. There were about 9 completely cringe-worthy lines of dialogue, the lead was unbelievably naive and it's plot was a sprawling mess. But for some reason, I am still thinking about it and talking about it right now. I definitely could not handle watching it again but it was …

The point is that he was complicit in this. They deserted under his orders and will reform and attack once the Bolton's are lured from Winterfell.

Seriously. I don't even know what this show is but I'll read a 'D' review any day of the week.


Roose Bolton looked at the letter so it had to have Cersei's seal. I just think it was a plot hole.

As long as we're in hate mode…
How the hell did Ramsey know that the old woman was the Stark supporter? Theon did not have that information.
Okay, so apparently, Cersei summoned LF last week to 'test him' about the whole Sansa Stark thing. I did not get that from the scene at all. She freaked the F out and started

I agree with all of this but still enjoyed the episode for some reason. I wish everything had more room to breathe and I wish that Jaime could become a man in a naturalistic manner like in the books, but they seemed to be having a bit more fun with this episode, so I will save my scorn. I gave them both barrels last

Pretty sure she's picked up a spear or two … if you catch my meaning…

Just saw it on the big screen in Austin Texas. This was a very good experience.

Well put. Listen to this person.

I also have been itching for some Twin Peaks. Then, this morning, I saw a giant woman, full on 7 feet, pushing a legless man in a wheelchair. The man turned to me and said "You have all the pieces!" and at that moment there was a flash of light and my vision was inverted. I saw a child, wailing, reaching out of the

Yeah, it's a bit of a hassle but it's worth it. I usually boil them for a minute before peeling off the skin.