Adam Walsh

I can't be the only person who sees Bend Sinister as a fairly easy entry point, although to be fair I listened to it way into my love affair with them and was kind of struck by how it's the most listenable full player I've heard by them.

This is just a dumb remake of Cast a Deadly Spell

this is nothing compared to 60s crooner Scott Walker's Twitter, which is almost exclusively composed of slaughterhouse videos and cryptic tweets from the point of view of a sacrificial lamb

"Wink wink, nudge nudge, I had to promise to flatter him under the constant threat of death that will continue until I take my last breath but let my work stand on its own as a testiment to the man's own iconoclastic, grandiose world views"

Yeah, I feel like VV is unfairly the black sheep of his discography, likely because it was overshadowed immediately by Madvillainy. I don't think it'd be unfair to assume that Doom would be a fan of Liquid Swords and Cuban Linx, and I think on VV his verses (possibly consciously) matched both GZA's dense lines and

*pushes up glasses* Ahem, but I believe The Beta Band released one AMAZING album before the so-called "great" Hot Shots II

It's not the Great Silence remake Scorcese has murmured about so I'm going into this film with a chip on my shoulder for putting another nail in that coffin

A lot of people think a lot of things about Ha-wai-i


fantastic cover, although i always had a deeper affection for Roberta Flack's "Suzanne" cover as a 10 minute slow burn finale on Killing Me Softly… such is my love of excess and miss Flack. https://www.youtube.com/wat…

"Not funny" isn't much of a point without any explanation


Post-script: Afghamistan closes the browser screen and sighs in relief, having sated the metaphorical beast inside which compels him and so many others to let the world know exactly how much he disapproves. For they must know. Otherwise, how will people know what to like? It is his mission. His crusade. And his curse.

Killer putdown bro, didn't even see that coming!!!!!!! Thought it was gonna be a helpful tip from a comedy vet but NOPE it was a sickburn on Cam-Esp!!!! I'll slap your handmeat for that one dawg! Classic, total classic. You should use this as an anecdote at your next show!!!!! Seriously I can't stop laughing. My sides

Cameron you are my new favorite for stirring up such self-righteous indignation among the fine manboys of the comments section