
No. It was going to be lighter and faster than the other laptops, but defiantly not the first.

I almost felt sympathy for him, but they didn't show enough of Joe as the man to earn it. Yes, he was ripped apart by Cameron, but he earned it. If he loved her that much, he would have fought for her or at least struggled in his decision to ax her OS. And that moment would have been bigger had Cameron been working on

I think you've nailed it! I never even thought of that, but looking back on the season you can tell they were building up to that.

A brilliant episode to me. The season's big question (engineering over design/feeling/uniqueness) has come to a very satisfying and believable climax.

The wife (sorry I can't remember her name) is going to be that "normal" character. They've already hinted that she's an engineer in her own right and the scenes from next week's episode hint that she'll have a large role to play in their PC's creation.