Jeff R.

"Forty and Folk it", of course. Since they're finally going to accept the Folksinger's creed.

Scholarly dissertations have been written about how it is literally impossible to create a non nakedly-gamable voting system for questions with more than two choices.

The nominations process is designed under the assumption that everyone votes their individual preferences. (out of several hundred qualfiying items in each category.) This system is trivially gamed by organized slate-based voting. To combat this, the system has a 'no award' system as a stopgap to prevent truly

You're not really wrecked unless you're…

That 'not this year' article still doesn't actually mean what the link or headline say it does. The book is not in the schedule and doesn't have any kind of firm deadline, but when it actually is finished it absolutely is going to be rushed from manuscript to the printers as fast as humanly possible, like the later

Or, you know, it could be exactly what it seems like, a song about a couple so deeply in a relationship rut that even their week-long tumultuous fight-and-make-up cycles have been repeated so often that they know exactly how things are going to play out at every point during the events.

Hell, The Thin Blue Line was better. Rowan is always orders of magnitude more funny when he's speaking intelligibly.

He'll be the Nicotine Patch Man. Or maybe the Nicotine Gum-Chewing Man, and get dispatched by an Oompha-Loompa.

I think they're talkihg about that one rising "na na na na na na-na-na-na, Hey Ju-u-u-ude" bit of business. Which is probably to brief to qualify as a key change even if it is technically one; I don't know from music theory at all.

Vonnegut is a hugely overrated one-trick pony, and will be forgotten by posterity centuries before Sir Terry.

Jabba's rocking that hookah in the picture at the top of this very page.

Hint to future candidates: leave the genocide off of the resume in future.

"I Can See For Miles", assuming it hasn't changed from the stealth pilot.

This seems like a singularly bad idea; Kitty was quite possibly the worst episode of a mediocre season of a mediocre show and the only way CSI: Cyber has any chance of success is if it's been retooled to the point of sharing nothing with Kitty beyond the main character and choice of Who song.

In some of the games you're also getting the equivalent of 20 years or more of assassin training in a couple of days as a side effect.

I wonder if this'll make them reverse the "let's change the name to just plain 'Catan'" plan. Because I doubt that the movie will drop the Settlers part…

Has there been any more motion on The Cosmopolitans beyond the script order? That's the one I'm still waiting on news about…

I got a Christian Slater vibe from that actor's performance, which I guess is a Jack Nicholson once removed…

You could almost justify it on a "preserve the masquerade" level, since the construction project would presumably have exposed its presence. Apart from the two facts that the show didn't bother to make that argument and that the entire premise of hiding the existence of the fantastic from 'normal' people is deeply

I bet Nygma was thinking "How can I get Dr. Thomkins, Bullock , and Cobblepot into the same room and then make them greet each other with their first names in the right order?"