
Seriously? Using it as a tool like Han or as a bludgeon like Finn isn't the same as wielding one as a true blade weapon like a Jedi. Grievous had mechanical limbs that could presumably replicate some of the speed of a Force-user. The problem with lightsabers is that people don't have a real idea of what they should

This is how I felt. The end was pretty good, but how we got there was quite hollow. Kanan was 100% right in how he approached the training in the first place. The point of Jedi using lightsabers is that the Force helps to keep them from hurting themselves. Predictably, a couple failed sparring sessions then causes

No, not at all. Not only is he much much bigger than the shooter, he's not subtle enough to do that. He'd just walk up and punch someone.

He had to figure things out? Funny, from what I've seen in the trailers, most of this movie seems ripped from Frank Miller's Dark Knight Returns.