Don Gately

After an impassioned monologue…
"Are you finished?"
And the answer is either, "No, I'm not finished." or, looking around as if realizing, "Yeah, I am."

Note to Hollywood: Nicole Kidman's plastic face no longer works in period pieces.

Said the same thing!

Agreed. And the movie definitely helped that. I thought the movie was much better than the book — or, at least, more interesting and full. But Andrew Garfield's hair was super distracting. It always looked freshly shampooed and blow dried. I hear that was the same in Hacksaw Ridge, after days of battle, so maybe he

Exactly. Jesus Christ. Too depressing for words.

If he was white, definitely.

This movie sucked. A line towards the end, "What surprised me was not meeting the aliens, it was meeting you." Talking to Jeremy Renner. Barf. And to call it Malackian is putting it mildly. It was a straight tree of life rip off at the beginning. Super lazy. And I'm really sick of the protagonist always living in some

The fact that you're going to bat for Hateful 8 makes me respect you even more Ignatiy. To me it was easily the best American film of the year and Tarantino's masterpiece. The Revenant had a great opening scene, but Tom Hardy was ridiculous and the CGI was terrible. Interestingly, I saw the live reading of 8 and the

Because Paul Dano looks like Hitler, right? I've been saying that for years!

I'm surprised no one is talking about the weird creepy mommy stuff. Like, anal sex, then come live with me, mom, then he dedicated the whole thing to his mom. The whole thing creeped me out. Did love that scene in the church though.